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  • 1. The young mother is singing to her baby (gentle).
  • 1. The children are climbing the behind my house.
  • 1. There are many (change)in my hometown these years. Our life is becoming better and better.
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式)。

      There are four seasons in a year. I think spring is the (good). When the weather (get) warm, birds begin to sing and flowers come out. It shows that spring has come. The shining sun makes everything (grow) better and the days begin to become longer than the nights. There is a famous Chinese (say), "The whole year's work depends on(取决于) a good start in spring." It tells us that spring is the beginning a year. People should make (they) plans for the year in spring. Although(虽然) there is no good harvest no white snow in spring, it can bring "green" to the world. The (flower) blossom everywhere. The wind in spring blows (gentle).

     Spring is  lively and beautiful season. I love it so much.

  • 1. Close the door ________. Your father is sleeping.
    A . quickly B . heavily C . gently D . clearly
  • 1. Now we can see the flowers in our school all (blossom). They look so beautiful.
  • 1. The children lined up(排队) and walked in ____ the small gate.
    A . across B . over C . through D . behind
  • 1. Can you ____ the poem by Du Fu into a song? I think it will be wonderful.
    A . invent B . change C . encourage D . punish
  • 1. Please ____ your crayons to school tomorrow, children. We need them in art class.
    A . bring B . take C . choose D . break
  • 1.  The hill over there is very l and we can climb up it easily.
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