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当前位置:手动组卷 /初中英语 /按章节
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  • 1. Who is the (lead) of this group?
  • 1. 连词成句
    1. (1) down, group, slows, he, the, whole (.)
    2. (2) you, feel, confident, that, helps, more (.)
    3. (3) today, is, the, from, who, meeting, absent (?)
    4. (4) us, shares, ideas, often, with, she, her (.)
    5. (5) out, problem, is, what, find, let's, the (.)
  • 1. 完形填空

        When a group of people work together to reach the same goal(目标),they make up a team. Teamwork is very important as men try to learn more about the world in which we1. In 1957, a team of eighteen men from the United States2 the winter at the South Pole(南极).They were there3 the secrets of the earth and the sky.

        The South Pole is at the4of the world. During its winter, the sun5 rises. The men had to face the darkness of a six-month night, as well as the world's worst6.The men lived in a group of buildings joined together by tunnels(隧道,地道).They were cut off from the rest of the7.During the long winter, they could not be reached even by plane.

        The men depended on one8 for company(陪伴).Everyone took turns working in the "snow mine". This was the giant(巨大) cave dug into the ice beneath(在……下方) their camp. There, they dug out9 snow needed as a water supply.

        Each man also had his own important job to do. There was a cook and a doctor. There were scientists and men10 were trained in other jobs. Working together, they proved that men can live and work at the South Pole.

    A . have B . live C . notice D . turn
    A . spent B . cost C . paid D . took
    A . learning B . learn C . to study D . studying
    A . top B . bottom C . middle D . centre
    A . once B . always C . not D . never
    A . temperature B . weather C . snow D . sunshine
    A . world B . city C . village D . gold
    A . the other B . other C . others D . another
    A . clean B . cleanest C . clearly D . cleaned
    A . what B . who C . when D . whether
  • 1. As students, we shouldn't be absent class. (填介词)
  • 1. It's timeour group project. (填介词)
  • 1. The secret his success was hard work. (填介词)
  • 1. Do you have trouble______your English?
    A . in B . on C . with D . for
  • 1. He istrouble. Let's help him. (填介词)
  • 1. You must have (confident) in yourself from now on.
  • 1. How about (share) your room with me?
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