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  • 1. The student's (care) made him lose lots of marks in the Maths exam.
  • 1. 完形填空

      The Vietnam(越南) War broke out. The young husband 1the army and died in the war. His wife and son began to have a 2life after that. Even though their life was very hard and sometimes they didn't have enough food to eat, the 3still decided to raise her son by herself.

      Several years later her son immigrated(移民) to America 4finally become an engineer. He often sent letters to his mother with much money. However, with many excuses, the son 5to come back home to visit his mother.

      6his mother died, the son returned. But he didn't cry. His mother left a box behind. During the funeral(葬礼), the son opened the box and 7cried and shouted, "Mom! Mom!"8looked at each other and then looked at the box. It was full of $ 100 bill and a piece of paper.

      It read, "Son, I don't spend too much money. I miss you a lot. Every time I heard a motorcycle 9. I ran out of the door but it wasn't you. I stayed money 10you in case (以防) you get sick."

    A . joined B . moved C . found D . sent
    A . comfortable B . easy C . hard D . happy
    A . son B . father C . husband D . wife
    A . but B . and C . so D . or
    A . refused B . agreed C . asked D . offered
    A . Before B . When C . While D . As
    A . slowly B . hardly C . quickly D . suddenly
    A . Nobody B . Anyone C . Everyone D . Somebody
    A . passing by B . going away C . showing up D . running of
    A . with B . on C . to D . for
  • 1. Did you find __________ interesting to play YoYo?
    A . that B . it C . it's D . its
  • 1. With his books, Mo Yan has won high (赞扬) from home and abroad .
  • 1. Did you know colours can (影响) our moods
  • 1. The Chinese people have lots of (智慧)and create many wonders.
  • 1. I don't know _____
    A . how to print a file B . what to print a file C . how print a file D . what print a file
  • 1. (2019九上·南京开学考) Wu Wei, the young artist, has (给……留下印象)the whole country with his create work.
  • 1. 情景交际

    A. Oh, why not?

    B. How far is it from here?

    C. Can I get there by bus?

    D. Do you know where I can get a dictionary?

    E. Can you tell me which bus I should take?

    F. Could you tell me whether I should go there?

    G. The bookstore is on your left

    A: Excuse me.

    B: Well, go along Zhongshan Road, and take the second turning on the right.


    B: It'll take you about half an hour to walk there.


    B: Yes, you can.


    B: The No. 105 bus. The bus stop is over there.

    A: Thank you

    B: You're welcome.

  • 1. "You're not children any more, so you'd better do it by (you)." the father said.
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