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  • 1. (2023八上·吉林月考) My father thinks writing is as __________________ as reading.
    A . interesting B . interested C . more interesting D . more interested
  • 1. When times are difficult, tell yourself that (痛苦) is part of growing.
  • 1. The child has no (感觉)of safety without this mother by his side.
  • 1. Mr. Chen and Miss Gao will get (marry ) next year.
  • 1. 我喜欢不同寻常的衣服。

    I like clothes .

  • 1. 完形填空

    George Gershwin's first song came out when he was just eighteen years old. During the next twenty years, until his death, he1more than five hundred songs.

    Many of George Gershwin's songs were first written for musical2performed in theaters in New York City. These comedies, with plenty of3 , were a popular form of entertainment in the 1920s and 1930s.

    Many songs that George Gershwin wrote for musical plays and movies have been as4as ever. Over the years, they have been sung and played in5__possible way—from jazz to country music.

    George Gershwin6in 1937,just days after doctors learned he had brain cancer. He was only thirty nine years old.7all over the world reported his death on8front pages. Everyone mourned(哀痛) the death of the man and all the music he had written. George Gershwin is still regarded as9of America's greatest composers (作曲家). His works are still performed by many singers and groups. They are10performed more often than any other serious American composer's.

    A . found B . wrote C . sang D . acted
    A . plays B . articles C . books D . magazines
    A . actors B . theaters C . people D . songs
    A . expensive B . beautiful C . popular D . interesting
    A . every B . one C . some D . a certain
    A . worked B . retired C . died D . became famous
    A . TV programs B . Radio programs C . Advertisements D . Newspapers
    A . its B . their C . these D . whose
    A . one B . some C . any D . none
    A . hardly B . possibly C . once D . never
  • 1. 据报道那位明星已经嫁给了一位富商。

    It's reported that the famous star has already _a rich businessman.

  • 1. 很遗憾我总共解出了两道物理题。

    that I work out only two physics problems .

  • 1. 总共有30位歌手在慈善演出上表演。

    Thirty singers at the charity show.

  • 1. 很遗憾聂耳在二十三岁就去世了。

    that Nie Er died at the age of 23.

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