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  • 1. (2023九上·武汉月考) Please remember to ________________ the electricity and water before you leave the laboratory.
    A . take off B . shut off C . go off D . put off
  • 1. I think (listen) to music is a good way (relax).
  • 1. Most of us like reading the stories with happy (end).
  • 1. 今天晚上我想做些特别的事情。

    I feel something special tonight.

  • 1. 好身体取决于健康的食物和有规律的锻炼。

    Good health healthy food and regular exercise.

  • 1. 阅读短文

    Hip-hop Planet

    Countries like France, Brazil and even Japan have their own hip-hop culture. But where did this strange speaking-singing style come from? Many centuries ago, in West Africa, traditional storytellers played musical instruments while they were telling stories. When this tradition traveled from West Africa to the USA, it developed into different musical styles. For example, blues and jazz. And in the 1970s, there were many poor areas in New York. There wasn't any money for music lessons in schools, so kids made their own music. Teenagers Afrika and DJ played their records outside in the streets. Everybody joined in. MCs had rapping(说唱)competitions. Every week, there were talented new dancers, new DJs and new MCs. Hip-hop culture was born.

    It was 1980.I was at a party in New York. There was a young DJ at the party. He was playing records. While he was putting a record on, a kid picked up a microphone(话筒)and began rapping. Some other kids were break-dancing to the music. It was loud and boring, and I hated it. I preferred jazz.

    Today's successful American artists like Missy and her friends Tim heard it on the radio when they were growing up.

    The last time I heard hip-hop, I was in West Africa. I was going to interview a traditional storyteller when I met a young hip-hop artist. He told me there are hundreds of rap groups in Africa today. We live on a hip-hop planet.

    A. I remember the first time I heard hip-hop.

    B. You can find hip-hop everywhere you go.

    C. I was writing a book about African-Americans.

    D. Many Americans gave music lessons to poor children.

    E. These styles all started in poor African-American areas.

    F. During the 1980s, hip-hop became popular all over the USA.

  • 1. The little girl is afraid of the movies. They have scary monsters(怪兽).

    The little girl is afraid of the movies scary monsters.

  • 1. 你应该放弃那些妨碍你学业的爱好。

    You should give up the hobbies the your schoolwork.

  • 1. 我们都不喜欢和老师顶嘴的学生。

    All of us dislike the students their teachers.

  • 1. We like the teachers whose classes are interesting and creative.
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