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  • 1. 父母养育我们不易,我们不应该让他们失望。

    It's not easy for parents to raise us, and we aren't to .

  • 1. 在数学考试中,我差一点就得A了。

    I was A in the math test.

  • 1. Look, there is a monkey standing on his (肩膀).
  • 1. 我们都同意你的决定。

    We are all with your .

  • 1. I missed (take) the bus because of (get) up late.
  • 1. 这位年轻人因为经常上班迟到被开除了。

    The young man because he was often late for work.

  • 1. 不要对你儿子太苛刻,毕竟他只是个孩子。

    Don't your son. he is only a child.

  • 1. 只要我们齐心协力,胜利一定属于我们的。

    As long as we , success must to us.

  • 1. 完形填空

    It was a Saturday afternoon. Simon was1the soccer ball when the rain began falling from the grey sky.

    Simon and his teammates had missed scoring several goals in the last game. That disappointed their coach Mr. Banks. They decided to practice more in order not to let Mr. Banks2again.

    "Guys, it's3. Wed better stop now. Let's continue to practice tomorrow, "Simon said. The other boys nodded in agreement.

    When Simon got home, it was six. Mom had already4home from work for her handbag was on the sofa. But where was she? Simon5the kitchen door open but she was not there. Dad was a banker and he was away on business.

    Simon went into the bedroom and saw Mom asleep on the bed. She looked pale. "She must be very tired," Simon thought. Mom was very busy lately. It seemed that Mom carried too much weight on her shoulders.

    Simon felt ashamed(羞愧的). Mom cared little about him these days and he had been feeling6. "Maybe I was too hard on Mom, ""Simon said to himself.

    When he was a little boy, Mom spent a lot of time and energy7him. He was very naughty(淘气)at that time. Sometimes, he even drove Mom8. He still remembered those bedtime stories that Mom had told him. The kings,the queens,the princes, and the princesses in big palaces had taught him a lot.

    9Simon thought about the past, the more he realized how nice Mom was to him. Then he decided to cook a meal for her rather than wake her up.

    10start with, he looked on the Internet for the recipe for Mom's favorite dish. Luckily, it was not that difficult. He opened the fridge and took out some meat, potatoes, carrots, onions and lemons. He washed them and began to cook the dish. He hoped Mom would like it.

    A . knocking B . hitting C . beating D . kicking
    A . go B . upset C . down D . happy
    A . snowing B . raining C . cloudy D . grey
    A . returned B . back C . went D . left
    A . shoved B . pulled C . grabbed D . digged
    A . put away B . left out C . tried out D . held on
    A . in B . on C . at D . above
    A . excited B . amazed C . crazy D . thought
    A . The more B . The better C . The deeper D . The further
    A . Be B . To C . As D . So
  • 1. She (点头) to me when she passed me in the street.
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