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    If you have a dream

        What do you dream about? There have been so many times when I've come back to Thomas Edison's wise words: “When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this – you haven't.”

        If there is a dream in your heart, you should dig it and shine a little light on the vision(视野). This time, instead of looking at it as impossible, start thinking freely:?

        If you have a dream…

        . Seeing it on paper will help you see the possibility. It will be a daily reminder to work on your dream.

        Tell someone. . Later on, you'll need someone to poke holes(指出漏洞)in your dream and help you make it into something that makes sense in the real world. But right now, you just need someone who will give you a big hug and tell you not to stop believing.

        Do one thing that will bring you closer to your dream. Read a book about the subject of your dream. Email someone who is living your dream and ask him or her what's the one thing someone just starting out can do to move forward. .

        Your dream might sound crazy or impossible, and that's OK. . 5 or 10 years may sound like forever, but if you were directing some of your resources(资源)towards your dream each day, wouldn't those years be more enjoyable?

    A. Ask for help

    B. Write it down

    C. Start now by doing one thing

    D. Can you work hard to make your dream come true

    E. The right someone is a loving, kind person you trust

    F. It may take some time to make your dream come true

    G. What changes could you make in your life to give your dream a chance