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当前位置: 高中英语 / 特殊题型 / 任务型阅读
  • 1. 将下列几个部分(A、B、C、D 和 E)按题号排序,构成一个符合逻辑的完整语篇:
    A. If you are wondering what this has to do with your public speaking class, the answer is quite a lot. As the class goes on, for example, you will probably spend a good deal of time organizing your speeches.
    B. What is true of organization is true of many aspects of public speaking. The skills you learn in your speech class can help you become a more effective thinker in a number of ways. As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, you will improve your ability to think clearly and accurately.
    C. If you take full advantage of your speech class, you will be able to develop your skills as a critical thinker in many circumstances. This is one reason public speaking has been regarded as a vital part of education since the days of ancient Greece.
    D. In the broad sense, critical thinking is focused, organized thinking -- the ability to see clearly the relationships among ideas. It has often been said that there are few new ideas in the world, only reorganized ideas.
    E. Organizing a speech is not just a matter of arranging the ideas you already have. Rather, it is an important part of shaping the ideas themselves.