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  • 1. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Welive surrounded by advanced technology.. You can get the information you want immediately over the Internet. With various technologies surroundingus, it's easy to wonder how ancient people got anything done.

    Actually, all of our modern things are based on older technologies. Ancient people didn't necessarily have steel or wheels or electronic communication. Yet, they built monument (纪念碑) even bigger than Stonehenge. . And ancient Egyptians built the pyramids — with huge mystery rooms inside.

    .The first "kitchen" flames were still older. Ancient human relatives cooked food over fires in Europe 800, 000 years ago. The first spear-throwers threw their weapons 279, 000 years ago—before modern humans existed.

    At first, scientists long believed that the ancients who lived  80, 000 years ago were the first to throw spears with stone tips. Then came the discovery of 279, 000­-year-­old stone spear tips in Ethiopia. These pushed the date back..

    Scientists have been trying to figure out how ancient people developed their tools and build their cities and monuments.. They are also recreating ancient techniques themselves — from rolling pyramid rocks to testing out ancient tar (沥青) recipes. They detect mystery holes in Great Pyramid of Giza: Using high­ tech tools normally reserved for particle ­physics research, scientists have found a large hidden hole inside Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza. They have made some great discoveries, but they know there are still a lot of things waiting to be discovered.

    A. Ancient people were really clever
    B. Not all of these technologies are useful
    C. For example, there are skyscrapers and spaceships
    D. They also raised huge stone heads on Easter Island
    E. They use modern technologies to explore the ancient places
    F. Not all of advanced technologies were limited to modern people
    G. And it has been suggested that even prehuman species hunted with spears