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  • 1. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Different people have different views towards the job — doctor. Doctor is a common profession. In my opinion, being a doctor has advantages and disadvantages.

    Being a doctor is easy to earn respect as its job duty is to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. This makes their job become great and important. When it comes to this, the profession as a doctor is good for people to develop their loving heart and responsibility, which will make them better people.

    Their job is saving people, so sometimes their carelessness will take a person's life. As a result, sometimes it will cause some medical disputes. What's more, doctor is always very busy. As for time, the job needs them to take turns. Thus, they do not have too much time to company their families and friends.

    Every coin has two sides. So does the job of being a doctor. But, I think the good side is more than the bad side.

    A. They can hardly have a break when they are at work.

    B. However, being a doctor is not so easy or relaxing.

    C. In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or in their town.

    D. Of course, their salary is very high.

    E. In China, doctors can be found everywhere, and the older the more well­known.

    F. Besides, when they save people, they will have a sense of achievement, too.

    G. In a way, its content and duty make this profession not common.