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    Reading books is one of the best hobbies. It not only helps you pass your time but also helps you increase your knowledge in a meaningful manner.  Here we will give you a few tips that can help you.

    ●Fall into the habit of borrowing books to read.

    This is a very old school practice but still it can be highly effective. When you borrow a book, there is obviously a deadline set.

    ●Read everywhere.

    Keep a book in your bag and read it anywhere you go. This will help you to pass your time in a very productive manner.  Anyway, you can read your book 24 hours a day. ●

    This can easily be described as a new school technique. You can read out to your brother or sister and this will enable you to finish your book as well as increase the knowledge and understanding of your brother or sister.

    ●Choose your books very carefully.

     Thus choose your books very carefully in order to enjoy your time and also finish your book effectively. If you choose a good book that can keep you interested for a longer period of time, there is no way that you are going to leave it incomplete.

    A. Read out to someone else.

    B. Realize the importance of reading books.

    C. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the reading habit.

    D. Find an excuse to read every day just by visiting book clubs.

    E. Yes, life is too short to read a book that doesn't impress you.

    F. It doesn't matter whether you are traveling or are about to sleep.

    G. This can encourage you to read it often to finish the book on time.