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  • 1. (2024八下·陆丰期中) 配对阅读 Ⅰ栏是五则短信,Ⅱ栏是七则回复。请将短信和回复进行匹配。

    John's mobile phone didn't work this morning because it was short of electricity. After checking it, he found something wrong with the battery. He had to buy a new one and throw the old one away.

    Tim will graduate from university. He has some useful books which helped him to pass the exams. But now they are not valuable to him. He wants to give them away to others.

    Betty was born in a rich family. She can buy any clothes she likes from shops. But she never wears them more than three times. She thinks it is a kind of waste. So she wants to give them away to the people who need them.

    Jacky is fond of drinking a bottle of beer each meal. Now he has collected many beer bottles. He hopes to make more money by selling them.

    Lucy's sofa was broken last week. Today she bought a new set of sofa. She has no room for the old sofa and she would like to find a place to put it.

    A. Don't throw your old bottles here and there. You should put them into the dustbins around you. Remember not to break the bottles, or they may hurt you or the cleaners who collect them.

    B. This is the school library. You are allowed to do some      reading here. If you have some books which you don't need, you can give them away to us. We'll be thankful for your kindness.

    C. If you have old furniture(家具) you don't need, you can give it away to the charity. Maybe someone else needs it. Don't throw it into the rubbish station.

    D. In our waste collecting shop, you can sell all the things you don't need, such as old newspapers, paper bags and bottles. We will offer you some money for your old things.

    E. The batteries can do great harm to the earth where you throw them. They will pollute the earth for a long time. So, don't throw your old batteries everywhere. Just put them into a certain dustbin so that cleaners can deal with them easily.

    F. This dustbin is set here for the visitors to throw their rubbish, especially something that can be recycled. Batteries and something like them are not allowed to throw here.

    G. We are a public service organization. Now it is cold winter. We don't have enough clothes to keep warm. If you have any clothes you don't need, please send them to us. We will be very thankful for your help.

  • 1. (2024七上·昭阳期末) 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。

    A: Hi, Cherry. Come and look at my family photo.

    B: Wow! It is a nice photo.


    B: Who's the man in blue?

    A: That's my father.


    A: He is a doctor.


    A: He works in Children's Hospital.

    B: Who's the woman in yellow?

    A: That's my mother.


    A: No, she is a teacher.


    A: She teaches English in a high school.

    B: Oh, you have a happy family.

    A. Is she also a doctor?

    B. Where does he work?

    C. It's not nice.

    D. Is she a teacher?

    E. Thank you.

    F. What does she teach?

    G. What does he do?

  • 1. (2023八上·重庆市月考)  阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话。

    A: Andy, long time no see. What do you usually do on weekends?

    B: I often watch TV at home. 

    A: Oh,it's so relaxing, 

    B: Three times a week. 


    B: It's Sports World. 


    B: Yes, I often surf the Internet. 


    B: I usually go to the movies on Friday evening. 

    A: Do you exercise every morning?

    B:  Because I often get up late. 

    A. Do you often go online?

    B. How often do you watch TV?

    C. No, I hardly exercise in the morning. 

    D. What's your favorite program?

    E. When did you go to the movies?

    F. What do you do on Friday evening?

    G. No, I usually exercise in the morning.     

  • 1. (2023八上·无锡月考)  七选五

    I learned the hard way how to make friends in a new school. At my old school in Toronto, I was on the football team and in the music club, 

    Everything changed when I was 16 years old because my parents decided to move to Florida.  The first day in my new school was really difficult. The class schedule(课程表)and the teachers teaching methods were different. All the students dressed in their own way instead of a school uniform.  but I did not want to talk to them. 

    After a few weeks, I found that no one even tried to talk to me anymore. Two months passed before I got the courage to talk to a few classmates. I always said to them friendly,"How are you? Can we become good friends? "Finally, I realized that they were common people, just like me. I learned an important lesson about making friends that year.

    A. Some kids tried to be nice to me, 

    B. I began to have some friends. 

    C. because I liked sports. 

    D. so I was very popular and had a lot of friends. 

    E. Going to a new school was not easy for me. 

    F. Some classmates were unkind to me, 

    G. I began to feel lonely. 

  • 1. (2023九上·虎威月考)  选择句子,补全对话, 其中有两项是多余的。 

     A: It's very late. Are you still on the computer?

     B: Well, yes.   

     A: What kind of e-mails? 

     B: Some are messages from my friends and some are from the relatives.  

     A: Do you have to write them back right away? 

     B:  Usually people want a quick reply.  


     B: I've already had 40 people's addresses in my address book!

     A:  E-mail is really very convenient(方便的).  


     A. And I think e-mail is one of the best ways to communicate with others.  

     B. I've got so many e-mails to go through.

     C. I agree with you.  

     D. Of course! 

     E. How many e-mail addresses have you had? 

     F. I feel like getting more e-mails.  

     G. I am not sure whether I'm right or wrong.

  • 1. (2023九上·渝北开学考)  补全对话                                 

    A.What about you?

    B.Did you have a nice weekend?

    C.Where are you going now?

    D.What were you doing at this time yesterday?

    E.What are you going to be when you grow up?

    F.Are you going to be a musician when you grow up?

    G.Would you like to join me?

    A:Hi,Betty.Glad to see you! 

    B:Hi,Amy!Glad to see you,too. 


    B:I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.  

    A:I was playing the violin. 

    B:Wow,you work so hard!  

    A:Yes.I want to be a musician. 

    B:Good luck!  

    A:I'm going to the school gym to do exercise.  

    B:Yes,I'd love to.

  • 1. (2023·西安模拟) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    As teenagers,you have many dreams.These dreams can be very big,like being a scientist.Or they can be small.For example,you may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.Once you find a dream,?Do you ever try to make your dream real?

    "Follow Your Heart"by Australian writer Andrew Mathews tells us that making our dreams real is life's biggest challenges.

    .Or you may think that it is impossible for you to become a great person."These kinds of thoughts may stop you from getting your dream," the book says.

    In fact,everyone can make his dream come true.The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is.Don't let it leave your heart,.Do this often and your dream will come true faster because,a big dream is,in fact,made of many small dreams.

    You must also never give up your dream.There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams..You need to decide what is the most important.Studying instead of watching TV will bring you better exam results,while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book..


    A.Giving up is the last thing you should do

    B.and keep telling yourself what you want

    C.what do you do with it

    D.This way will help you get closer to your dream day by day

    E.You may think you are not very good at some school subjects

    F.But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself

    G.why do you need a dream

  • 1. (2023九上·肇源月考) /strong>5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Humans' Greatest Achievements

    The Earth is 4. 5 billion years old, but the human race has lived on it for just 200, 000 years. In that short time, we have achieved some amazing things. 

    The list is almost endless. The invention of the airplane has changed our lives. The discovery of antibiotics(抗生素) has saved the lives of millions of people. Can you imagine living without electricity? What about the printing press(印刷术)? Without the printing press, you wouldn't be reading this. In the last 50 years, there have been great achievements in communication, such as radio, TV, computers, the Internet, and smartphones(智能手机).

    What about the arts? The arts have brought pleasure to many people, but are the Beatles and Bach more important than antibiotics?

    Finally, we must not forget humans' early achievements.We can't imagine modern life without cooked food and cars.

    What are humans' greatest achievements? To answer the question, we need to decide what we mean by "great". Or is it just something that makes us say"Wow, " like the Great Wall? What do you think?

    A. Do you think it is difficult to have great achievements?

    B. Is it something that makes us rich or happy or saves lives?

    C. We enjoy these things every day because they are free to use. 

    D. They used fire for cooking and heating and invented the wheel. 

    E. Many of humans' great achievements are in science and technology.

    F. And is Mickey Mouse as important an achievement as going to space?

    G. We could probably live without them, but life wouldn't be as interesting.

  • 1. (2023九上·南开开学考)  阅读还原

    Many people come to me and ask. "How can I keep active for life?"I often say to them, "My answer is very simple. . "

    Once I traveled in Africa,watched some lions come back from hunting. And then they started to have a sleep—a sound sleep after a few minutes. 

     When we rest, we can't just let ourselves completely relax as animals do. We always think about something after we lie down or we still think about something during the rest. . Figuratively speaking, we still keep the lights on when we are relaxing. 

    In fact, work and rest are both necessary in our lives. We use our energy to work. hard. When we feel tired after working for a long time, we need to have a good rest.  When we are full of energy after having a good rest, we'll start to work again. But if we don't completely relax ourselves, we can't get enough energy. It is true that we can't work well if we don't rest well. 


    A. However, we are different. 

    B. You can have a real rest as animals do. 

    C. That is to say, we hardly have a real rest. 

    D. Having a good rest is good for our health. 

    E. Only in this way can we bring back our energy. 

    F. After a while, they lay down on the ground. 

  • 1. (2023八下·西安期末) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Are you a dog person?Maybe you have one at home and enjoy taking it for walks and lying with it on the sofa. For me,dogs are dangerous,smelly animals.But thinking about the life﹣saving skills they have,maybe I should give them a second chance.

     But after all,they are just pets.If they want to be man's real friends,they need to do something useful.Some dogs with an amazing sense of smell are trained as sniffer dogs(嗅探犬).

    There are some guide dogs and hearing dogs providing life service for their owners.They can sound the alarm when their owner has a sudden sign of illness.

    It's also possible to train dogs to notice changes in blood glucose levels(血糖水平) of people with Type I diabetes(糖尿病1型).One sick man with such a dog told the BBC, "In the three and a half years,we've been together,he has probably saved my life 3,500 times.

    Saving a life for a dog biscuit (饼干) seems a small price to pay,so maybe I should have better opinions of our four﹣legged friends.


    A.To be honest,I'm that kind of person.

    B.There are also trained dogs providing help in hospitals and old people's homes.

    C.A perfect dog usually looks cute and listens to its owner.

    D.They appear at airports or work with the police out on the streets.

    E.To be honest,I'm not that kind of person.

    F.And actually,he does it all for a dog biscuit.

    G.Dogs are always friendly to people and never leave their owners.

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