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  • 1. (2019九上·重庆开学考) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。

        One day, I heard an American boy say to a Chinese girl student, "You speak very good English." But the girl answered, "No, no. My English is very poor." The foreigner was quite surprised 1 the answer. Thinking he had not made 2 understood or the girl had not listened to him clearly, he said, "Yes, indeed, you speak very well." But the girl still kept saying: "No, no." This time the American boy could not understand and didn't know 3 to say.

        What's wrong with the girl's answer? She didn't 4 a compliment (恭维) in the same way as the American people do. She should answer, "Thank you" instead of "No". She 5 did understand what the American boy said, but she thought she should be modest (谦虚的). In the 6, people will feel proud (骄傲) and 7 when they are praised (表扬). So if someone says the dishes you cooked are very delicious, you should say, "Thank you."

        In our country we think being modest is a virtue (美德) and being proud is a bad thing. But in my opinion, being confident does not mean being proud, so sometimes you should be confident 8 being modest.

        If you are modest and say, "No, I'm afraid I can't do it" while working in a western country, others may think that you really can't do it. If you often say "No", you will certainly be looked down by 9. When asking for a job, if one says something like "Yes, I can certainly do it" instead of "Let me have a try", he or she will 10. So in the west, you should be brave to show your self-confidence.

    A . at B . to C . about D . with
    A . itself B . herself C . himself D . themselves
    A . when B . which C . what D . how
    A . receive B . accept C . refuse D . disagree
    A . hardly B . really C . nearly D . badly
    A . east B . south C . west D . north
    A . excited B . modest C . shy D . confident
    A . as soon as B . as well as C . instead of D . because of
    A . others B . the other C . the others D . another
    A . fail B . want C . succeed D . believe
  • 1. 完形填空

    China is a country with a rich culture in calligraphy(书法). 1computers are everywhere in our life, Chinese people should not2the skill of writing with hands.

    Now the computer can help people to write. People are3computers more often than before. So many people are forgetting how to4Chinese characters(汉字). People often make a lot of mistakes in handwriting.

    Today, China is trying to help students and teachers to5their handwriting. We6that teachers can write well on the 7and students can write well on their exercise books, too. Teachers should make their teaching plans and students should8their homework by writing with their9. We are sure our handwriting can become10and better in this way.

    A . Though B . If C . And D . But
    A . remember B . forget C . use D . practice
    A . making B . holding C . buying D . using
    A . find B . read C . write D . use
    A . show B . take C . improve D . worry
    A . call B . hope C . dislike D . hate
    A . paper B . desk C . blackboard D . table
    A . leave B . do C . get D . make
    A . eyes B . ears C . legs D . hands
    A . better B . worse C . faster D . easier
  • 1. 完形填空

        Many people are interested in star signs. Some people 1 that some star signs get along better with each other than other star signs.

        Perhaps we should first start 2 those star signs that are incompatible(合不来的). Aries and Leo are not a 3 match. It's believed that both of them are 4. Aries is energetic and is not compatible with Leo because Leo is strong and 5. Also, Pisces and Taurus are not a good pair. Taurus is practical and will not be 6 enough to wait for Pisces to stop 7!

        Perhaps the best choice of friend for Taurus is Capricorn. Taurus 8 be stubborn and Capricorn is patient and would be prepared to wait for Taurus to change his or her 9. Aries should get to know Pisces. Aries is active 10 Pisces is gentle and easy-going. They are a good match. Leo would be 11 matched with Libra. Leo likes to give gifts and Libra likes beautiful things.

        The perfect pair is Libra and Scorpio. Libra does not like to 12 and loves peace. Libra will never ask Scorpio about his or her secrets. Sagittarius and Gemini are also a perfect match. Sagittarius loves to 13 and Gemini loves to discover (发现)new things. Sagittarius has a good 14 of humour and will enjoy listening to Gemini talk.

        Virgo and Aquarius are a good match too. Sometimes, however, there can be 15 in their relationship. Aquarius has many friends but Virgo worries a lot about meeting a lot of people.

    A . hope B . wish C . believe D . guess
    A . with B . on C . at D . for
    A . bad B . good C . wrong D . silly
    A . teachers B . leaders C . workers D . people
    A . fair B . selfish C . confident D . easy-going
    A . patient B . sorry C . surprised D . angry
    A . working B . studying C . sleeping D . daydreaming
    A . can B . shouldn't C . must D . can't
    A . mind B . address C . name D . detail
    A . since B . but C . if D . because
    A . bad B . badly C . well D . good
    A . talk B . argue C . smile D . discuss
    A . sleep B . shop C . travel D . cook
    A . time B . sense C . feeling D . experience
    A . problems B . fun C . advice D . secrets
  • 1. 完形填空

        What is a museum? A museum is a good place to keep1and beautiful things. A museum may be a place to learn about science. A museum can be a place2art of humans or animals.

        What is3a museum? Some museums4old cars and airplanes.5museums have pictures and sculptures. Others have rocks and old bones. One museum even has6coal mine inside!

        Many cities have museums. Some very small7have museums8. Indianapolis has a9museum. Children do not have to pay to get in. Children often go to the museum. They like10at the dinosaur bones. They see a white bear which is ten feet tall. They go inside an old log cabin (小木屋).11Saturday, Indianapolis children can12talks about animals and trees.

    A . new B . old C . good D . important
    A . for B . in C . about D . on
    A . inside B . outside C . at D . on
    A . has B . have C . there is D . there are
    A . A bit B . A little C . Much D . Many
    A . the B . an C . a D . /
    A . homes B . towns C . villages D . countries
    A . too B . also C . either D . neither
    A . adults' B . people's C . children's D . boys'
    A . see B . to see C . look D . to look
    A . On B . At C . In D . Of
    A . listen B . listening C . hear D . hearing
  • 1. 完形填空

        Have you ever listened to jazz music? Louisiana is1for its jazz. There have been many great jazz masters that were born in this state—Louis Armstrong, Fats Domino, and Wynton Marsalis, to name2.

        We will start with the best—Louis Armstrong. Louis was born in New Orleans31901. When he was twelve years old, he was sent to a boarding school4he had fired a gun into the air on New Year's Eve. He was sent home 18 months later where he5coal with a cart(手推车)to earn a little money. He loved to listen to bands 6in the city. Joe "King" Oliver was a great jazz musician7took young Louis under his wing. When Louis was 21 years old, Oliver8him to play in his band. Louis loved9! By 1929, Louis had his own band named Hot Five. Louis went on to10one of the best jazz musicians of all time.

        Fats Domino was born in 1928 in New Orleans. He was tall and strong, which is11he earned the nickname(绰号)of "Fats". He worked12in a factory but earned little after he left school. He would also play the piano and sing in clubs around town13the time he was in his early 20's, he had become a great success.141955 and 1960, Fats Domino had almost twenty Top 20 singles. He was a great15and was picked into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986.

    A . known B . interesting C . down D . intelligent
    A . a lot B . a few C . a bit D . a little
    A . on B . with C . at D . in
    A . so B . unless C . because D . though
    A . planted B . sold C . made D . cleaned
    A . playing B . working C . reading D . supporting
    A . but B . or C . and D . until
    A . stopped B . joined C . supposed D . invited
    A . it B . them C . him D . those
    A . get B . become C . divide D . spare
    A . how B . when C . where D . why
    A . carelessly B . slowly C . hard D . mainly
    A . By B . For C . Beside D . After
    A . Next B . Across C . Behind D . Between
    A . director B . success C . customer D . speaker
  • 1. 完形填空

        Every April, there is a special day in China. It is called Qingming Festival, also called Tomb-Sweeping Day. On that day, people 1 and honor (纪念)their ancestors (祖先). 

        Qingming is a(n) 2 Chinese festival. It has a long history. It began over 2, 000 years ago. A famous poem 3 the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu describes the day:" Rains fall heavily as Qingming comes, and passers-by(行人)with lowered sprits go."

        Tomb-Sweeping Day has been a public 4 on the Chinese mainland(中国大陆)since 2008. On this day, 5 bring flowers, food and wine to their ancestors' tombs (坟墓). They put food like cakes and fruits in front of the tombs. After that, they 6 the dirt off the tombs and remember their dead family members.

        7 do Chinese people do this? That's because people think that visiting tombs to 8 respect (尊重)to their dead family members.

        However, Tomb-Sweeping Day is not only about this. During that time, the weather is becoming 9. People are also able to garden (从事园艺)and enjoy outdoor activities. Families often 10 for outings (远足)or fly kites at this time.

    A . remember B . meet C . see D . find
    A . popular B . famous C . traditional D . unhappy
    A . for B . by C . with D . as
    A . weekend B . weekday C . journey D . holiday
    A . classes B . families C . friends D . groups
    A . turn B . keep C . sweep D . go
    A . Why B . When C . Where D . Who
    A . bring B . show C . make D . take
    A . warmer B . colder C . cooler D . shorter
    A . have fun B . work hard C . pull together D . get together
  • 1. 完形填空

        It is interesting to visit another country, but there are some problems when we don't know the 1  very well. It may be 2  to talk with the people there. We may not know how    3   the telephone in the country we are visiting. We may not know how to buy the 4 we need. In a strange country, we may not know where to eat or what to order in a5 . It is not easy to decide how6 to tip(付小费)waiters or taxi drivers. When we need help, we may not know how to ask for help. It's not pleasant to have an experience   7 that. But8 a short time, we learn what to do and what to say. We learn   9 life in another country, and then we may be10 to leave.

    A . people B . country C . language D . words
    A . easy B . difficult C . happy D . scared
    A . use B . uses C . to use D . using
    A . things B . something C . anything D . nothing
    A . school B . shop C . city D . restaurant
    A . often B . many C . long D . much
    A . as B . alike C . like D . likes
    A . before B . after C . for D . in
    A . enjoy B . enjoying C . enjoyed D . to enjoy
    A . sorry B . glad C . worried D . interested
  • 1. 完形填空

        "The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence," That's an old 1 in English. It means other places often look better, more interesting than the 2 in which you live. Some people worry 3young Chinese are beginning to feel that way. They see young Chinese paying no attention to Chinese culture and, 4, buying Japanese cartoon books, watching Korean soap operas and even celebrating Western holidays.

        Foreign books and soap operas are good, 5 Chinese writers and actors are just as good. As for holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can 6 have the meaning for Chinese that the Spring Festival has, and the West has nothing to compare with the Mid-Autumn Festival. And let's not forget the part of Chinese culture I like best:7 friendliness. Not all countries are as 8 as China.

        It's good to enjoy other cultures and 9 from them, but they cannot replace your own culture. It's good to look on the other side of the fence, but 10 you take a good long look. You will find that the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.

    A . word B . saying C . sentence D . rule
    A . house B . home C . flat D . place
    A . that B . if C . why D . whether
    A . however B . besides C . instead D . then
    A . and B . so C . but D . or
    A . still B . never C . always D . ever
    A . they B . their C . it D . its
    A . warm B . warmer C . cold D . colder
    A . learns B . learning C . in learning D . to learn
    A . make up B . make up of C . make sure D . be sure to
  • 1. 完形填空

        The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. During the Festival, Chinese people have many activities. They paste up Spring Festival couplets(春联), greeting the New Year and saying1 to the old year. On the first day of the Spring Festival, people 2 wearing new clothes. Nowadays, children get    3  pockets from their parents and their relatives by WeChat. It is a good time for people to visit relatives and friends. More importantly, the Spring Festival is celebrated not only in China but also in 4 parts of the world.

        The Spring Festival has also been 5 in the UK since 1980. Every new year, people also get together and have lots of activities. They sing songs, dance6 music, share photos with friends or watch7 in the cinema. Additionally, the Spring Festival has become a key time for Chinese living in the US. They 8 in a large evening party to welcome the traditional new year. The Chinese New Year will be welcomed with three weeks of celebrations across Australia. Thousands of people come to Sydney's Chinatown. They enjoy fireworks (鞭炮)and lion dances. The family dinner on New Year's Eve is an important tradition for Chinese9 they were born in Singapore or moved there from China. They usually hold it at 10 because having it in a restaurant takes away the meaning of the tradition.

    A . yes B . goodbye C . no D . thanks
    A . bring out B . help out C . hang out D . hold on
    A . green B . golden C . red D . black
    A . other B . others C . another D . the others
    A . congratulated B . celebrated C . happened D . started
    A . on B . in C . to D . at
    A . TV B . matches C . movies D . races
    A . put B . join C . live D . have
    A . if B . when C . whether D . that
    A . home B . outdoors C . restaurants D . schools
  • 1. 完形填空

        A gift is necessary when one is invited to visit friends in China. After greetings, the gift should be passed immediately to the host. Remember that usually Chinese people will not open the gift in front of the person who gives 1. To show the respect, it may be 2 to explain what the gift is. Bringing some nutrients and tonics (营养品、补品)to the elders in the family is a good idea. You can 3 prepare some small gifts for the spouse (配偶)or kids of the host. The host usually makes full 4 by carefully tidying up the house and 5 a lot of delicious dishes. 6 the meal is well prepared, the host may say to the guest politely, "My preparation is not enough, please excuse me for my poor treat." As a guest, you should make the host believe that there is plenty to eat by praising the food. 

        While eating, the elders will use chopsticks to 7 food for guests as a tradition and ask them to eat 8. As a guest, you should accept their goodwill readily. But nowadays, the younger people do the traditional way less. 

        After dinner, tea and fruit are usually served. When the guests are to leave, the host may still politely ask them to stay. They don't have to take it 9 and they can try to find a good time to leave. This doesn't mean that leaving early is always a good idea as the host may feel that the guests are not satisfied with the treat. Finding the right time to leave 10 the situation.

    A . it B . them C . that
    A . necessary B . careful C . comfortable
    A . too B . also C . either
    A . plans B . decisions C . preparations
    A . enjoying B . cooking C . washing
    A . But B . Although C . Because
    A . cut up B . eat up C . pick up
    A . more B . less C . many
    A . completely B . seriously C . probably
    A . works out B . sticks to C . depends on
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