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  • 1. (2024八下·榆树月考) — Why are you so tired these days?
    —Well, I have ______ work to do.

    A . too much B . too many C . much too D . many too
  • 1. I asked many local people about the old bridge, but ________ knew where it was.
    A . somebody B . anybody C . nobody D . everybody
  • 1. What will the life be like in the (将来).
  • 1. This heavy fog has (持续) for 3 days.
  • 1. People use this man-made (卫星) to study the climates on Earth.
  • 1. 阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。

    If you are born in summer, you could be sunny person. If you are born in winter, you could be less sunny. That is to say, the season of birth affects our personality.

    The result comes from a study of mice. In the study, some mice were given 16 hours if light and eight hours of darkness every day. This is like the long days and short nights of summer. Other mice had only eight hours of lights. This like the short days and long nights of winter. After some time, scientists placed the mice into darkness, and watched what they would do.

    "Those summer mice eat, play and sleep as usual, but those winter mice have difficulty in dealing with the change. " said a scientist.

    This is just like humans. Those winter babies will spend more time dealing with a change in seasons. This will slowly affect their mood and their outlook towards life. Well, you can watch your classmates and find whether this result is true.

    1. (1) Who do you think are less sunny, summer babies or winter babies?
    2. (2) What do you know affects our personality?
    3. (3) Where does the result come from?
    4. (4) How do winter mice live?
    5. (5) What advice does the passage give?
  • 1. 阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。

    Long, long ago there lived a man in a small town. His name was Nicholas. He was a bishop. He usually wore a long red robe with a red hat.

    One day, Nicholas heard a sad story of poor old man and his three daughters. That night, Nicholas climbed up to the rooftop of their house, and dropped three bags of gold down the chimney. Each bag fell into one of the stockings by the fireplace.

    The next morning, the girls were surprised to find gold coins in their stockings. "We have got a magic gift!"

     Soon the story spread across the town. Many people began hanging their stockings by the fireplace. Next morning, they all found gifts in their stockings. Nickolas left these gifts at night! Today, people called him" Santa Claus" or Father Christmas".

    1. (1) When did the story happen?
    2. (2) Who was Nicholas?
    3. (3) What did Nicholas usually wear?
    4. (4) Where did Nicholas climb after hearing a sad story of a poor man and his three daughters?
    5. (5) How did the girls feel when they saw gold coins in the stockings?
  • 1. Sometimes we saw stars brightly across the sky. (shooting\shoot)
  • 1. Don't worry about me. I'll call you______ I get to Dalian.
    A . before B . while C . since D . as soon as
  • 1. He didn't go home______ he finished the work.
    A . since B . if C . because D . until
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