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  • 1.  Read and choose the correct sentences to complete the conversation.

    Amy:  Is there a post office near here?

     Policeman: Yes, there is.


    Policeman:  It's on your right, across from a bookshop.


    Policeman: No, it isn't. You can walk there.

    Amy: Thank you.

    Is it far?

    Turn left at the first crossing.

    It's next to the museum.

    How can I get there?

    Excuse me.

    Where is the post office?

  • 1.  ____ a nice bookstore!
    A . How B . Which C . What
  • 1.  Don't turn left. Turn____
    A . left B . right C . near
  • 1.  Read and finish.

    Hello! I'm Sally. Today is Saturday. It's Children's Day. It's my birthday, too. I don't go to school.

    In the morning, I'll go to the park with my mother. The People's Park is far from my home. We'll take the No.21 bus to go there. In the afternoon, we' ll go to the library to read some books. The library is near the park. In the evening, I'll have dinner with my family in a Chinese restaurant. The restaurant is. not far from the library. Go straight for 5 minutes. We can see the restaurant. It's behind a red building. I will have a happy party in the restaurant with my family.

    Read and tick.

    1. (1) Read and tick.




      The People's


      A red building


      In the morning


      In the afternoon


      Where will they

      have a party?


      What's in front of the restaurant?

    2. (2) From the passage, we know Sally's birthday is on 1st.
  • 1. Go straight and turn right____ the zoo.
    A . at B . in C . from
  • 1. How can I____?
    A . go to there B . get there C . get to there
  • 1.  —____ is the zoo?

    —It's behind the hospital.

    A . Where B . What C . How
  • 1.  Look at the picture. Read and fill in the blanks

    Hi, I'm Amy. This is my school. It's big and nice. There is a b. in front of it. After school, I often p. football in the park. It's b my school. Today I'll go to the c to see a film. How can I get there? First, turn r at the school. Then go s and turn I at the post o. Turn left at the c. I can see the h. Go straight, and I'll get there.

  • 1. Choose and write.

    BDS map compass stars

    1. (1) The is one of the four great inventions(四大发明) of China.
    2. (2) Sometimes, we can see many in the sky at night.
    3. (3) This is the of my city. There is a library in the middle.
    4. (4) When you drive a car,  can help you find the place.
  • 1.  Robin can____ the boys find the Italian restaurant.
    A . help B . helps C . helping
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