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  • 1. 请根据教材中"Story time"的故事内容,完成下列各题。
    1. (1) 根据故事内容,给下列图片排序。

    2. (2) Where is Zoom?
    3. (3) Who likes storybooks?
  • 1.  阅读绘本,完成下列任务。

    Hi! I'm Tom. I'm an alien. Now I'm in Zoom's school. I want to go to the teachers' office.

    I pass(经过)the library, and the language room(语言室). I see the art room. But I can't find the teachers' office.

    I start again. I pass the library and the art room. I see the music room. But I can't find the teachers' office.

    Did you get lost, Tom?



    Yes. But I travel across space and never (不) get lost. I just followed the map.

    But that's a space map. Look! The school map is here.

    1. (1) 请将Tom的两次行走路线补充完整。



      art room



    2. (2) The word"alien" means" 外星人 in Chinese.
    3. (3) Tom followed the school map.
    4. (4) Tom finds the teachers' office at last(最后)
  • 1. (2023四下·三水期末) Let's go to the ________ to play football.

    A . playground B . classroom C . TV room
  • 1. 英汉互译
    1. (1) 图书馆    
    2. (2) second   
    3. (3) 这个    
    4. (4) homework   
    5. (5) 方向    
    6. (6) computerroom 
  • 1. Where is the_______ office?
    A . teachers B . teachers' C . teacher
  • 1. —Is this your school?

    —Yes, ________.

    A . it is B . it isn't C . they are
  • 1. 选出与下列图片相应的单词或短语

    A. music room   B. playground    C. art room    D. computer rooms

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
  • 1. 阅读对话,选择正确的答案

    Zoom: Welcome to our school.

    Monkey: Thank you.

    Zoom: That is our playground. This is our new gym.We can play ping-pong in it.

    Monkey: Is this your computer room?

    Zoom: Yes, it is.

    Monkey: Where is the art room?

    Zoom: It's on the second floor.

    Monkey: Do you have a music room?

    Zoom: Yes, we do. It's on the first floor. This way, please.

    1. (1) We can play ping-pong________.
    2. (2) Is this Monkey's computer room?
    3. (3) —Where is the art room?
    4. (4) —Does Zoom have a music room?
    5. (5) The music room is on the________ floor.
  • 1. is classroom This my(. )(连词成句)

  • 1. 你想夸赞对方的学校很酷,应该说:________
    A . Cool! B . Thanks.
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