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  • 1. (2023六上·香坊月考) 填入一个适当的词补全对话, 每空一词.

    A: When is Mother's Day?

    B: It's the second Sunday in May.

    A: When is your birthday?

    B: My birthday is on April 4th. I am eleven years old now. 

    A: That's my mother's birthday!

    B: Cool!What will you do  your mum?

    A:  cook noodles for her.

    B: Chinese noodles are delicious!

    A: Please come then. We can have a birthday party for  of you!

  • 1. (2023四下·沙河口期末) It's Mother's Day. What will you say to Mum?
  • 1. (2023五下·华安期中)  开学初,你想问同学寒假过得怎么样,应该这样问: 
    A . How is your winter vacation? B . How is your summer vacation? C . How was your winter vacation?
  • 1. (2023六下·和平期末) ____ is an important festival in western countries. People give presents to each other. 
    A . Easter B . Halloween C . Thanksgiving D . Christmas
  • 1. (2023五下·东莞期末) Jack: Mother's Day is coming. ?

    Wu Binbin: I usually make a card for my mother. ?

  • 1. (2023五下·沛县月考)  从方框中选择合适的内容完成对话,有一个选项是多余的。                                 

    A. What do you often do on New Year's Day, Mike?

    B. Is Chinese New Year always in January?

    C. What festival comes after Christmas?

    D. What are you doing now?

    E. We always have a good time.

    F. We play some popular games together.

    A: Christmas is on the 25th of December. 

    B: New Year's Day and the Spring Festival.


    C: I often have a party with my friends. 


    B: No. Sometimes it comes in February. I usually visit my grandparents and have a big dinner with my family. 

  • 1. (2023·南京模拟) —Shall we have a party to celebrate our father's birthday?

    —____. Let's make a plan first.

    A . I'd like to B . Sounds great C . It's nothing D . No way
  • 1. (2023五下·鹿城期末)  Labour(劳动) Day is in March every year. 

  • 1. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    My name is Lucy. I'm from China but now I live in London. There is a very large Chinatown in London. I went there for the Spring Festival with my grandparents. At night we saw a lion dance. The lion danced in the street. It was red and gold. There were beautiful lights everywhere. There was music, too. We had a great time.

    1. (1) I live in China. 
    2. (2) I went to Chinatown with my parents. 
    3. (3) The lion was red and gold. 
    4. (4) We saw a dragon dance. 
    5. (5) We saw the beautiful lights and listened to music. 
  • 1. 选词填空,补全对话。注意词的形式。                                 

    when     love     what     on     something     American     favourite     say     special     sound

    Xiaoyong: Can you tell me  about  festivals, Mike?

    Mike: Yes, of course. My  festival is Thanksgiving.

    Xiaoyong:  is it?

    Mike: It's in November.

    Xiaoyong:  do you do  Thanksgiving Day?

    Mike: Family are together. We have a big  dinner. We  "thank you" for all the good things we have. We have a lot of fun on that day.

    Xiaoyong: It  nice.

    Mike: Yes, we all . Thanksgiving Day.

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