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  • 1. 选择适当的单词填空补全对话

    good, let's, great, colour, have

    Mike: morning, Janet.

    Janet: Morning.

    Mike: I a toy bear.

    Janet: What is it?

    Mike: It's blue. play with it.

    Janet: !

  • 1. 根据句子的意思,找出相应答句

    ⑴What colour do you like?             A. It's yellow.

    ⑵Do you have a rubber?                 B. I like blue.

    ⑶What colour is the toy car?          C. No, it isn't. It's red.

    ⑷What's this?                                  D. Yes, I do.

    ⑸Is the kite white?                          E. Good idea.

    ⑹Let's go to play.                            F. It's a picture.

  • 1. 请根据a或a-e的发音规律给下列单词分类

    cat  am  game  face  that  babe  dad  date

    1. (1) black:
    2. (2) name:
  • 1. 下面是Tom和Ben在说话,请根据对话顺序,把下列句子重新排列,使其成为一段流利的对话。

    A A car? What colour is it?     

    B Great! I like red.

    C Do you have a car, too?      

    D Yes, I do. I have a blue car.

    E Ben, let's go to play.          

    F Yes, I do. Let's go.

    G It's red.
    H. Do you like blue?  

    I Oh, good idea. I have a car.


  • 1. 读短文,按短文内容判断对错。

        Hello! My name is Bob. Look, I have a big bag. It's black and white. My pencil-box is in the bag. It's orange. In the pencil-box, there is a ruler, a pencil and a rubber. The ruler is blue. The pencil is red. The rubber is yellow. I also have a book in my bag. It's green. I like my bag.

    1. (1) My name is Bob. I have a big boat.
    2. (2) Bob's bag is black and white.
    3. (3) Bob's pencil-box is blue.
    4. (4) Bob's pencil is orange.
    5. (5) Bob has a yellow rubber.
    6. (6) Bob has a green book.
  • 1. 读对话,选择方框中的句子补全对话

    A. What colour is it?

    B. I like blue, too.

    C. Good idea!

    D. Yes, I do. I have a blue kite.

    E. Wow I like blue.

    Tom: Ben, let's go to play, OK?


    Tom: I have a new kite.


    Tom: It's blue and purple.

    Ben: What colour do you like?

    Tom: Do you have a kite, too?

    Ben: Let's go and fly kites.

  • 1. Do you have a purple doll?
    A . No, it's a pen. B . Yes, please. C . No, I don't. But I have a red one.
  • 1. Is this desk green?
    A . It's yellow. B . Yes, it is. C . Yes, I do.
  • 1. What colour are his eyes?
    A . It's blue. B . They are black. C . I like black.
  • 1. What's that?
    A . It's a blue cat. B . I like brown. C . That's good.
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