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  • 1. —__________.

    —A blackboard, two lights, many desks and chairs.

    A . Where is the classroom? B . What's in the classroom? C . What in the classroom?
  • 1. 选择合适的选项补全对话。

    A. Really?

    B. It's near the door.

    C. Our classroom is so big!

    D. Hello, Amy.

    E. Where is the TV?

    Amy: Hello, Bob.


    Amy: We have a new classroom.

    Bob: Let's go and see!

    Amy: Look!

    Bob: Yes. It's very nice, too.

    Amy: This is my desk.


    Amy: The TV is on the wall.

  • 1. is       it     Where (?)(连词成句)
  • 1. 看图识词
    1. (1) f
    2. (2) b
    3. (3) h
    4. (4) p
    5. (5) s
  • 1. 单词拼写。
    1. (1) 橙子
    2. (2) 椅子
    3. (3) 玩具
    4. (4) 飞机
    5. (5) 沙拉
  • 1. Read and judge.(阅读短文, 判断正误。)

    This is our classroom. It is not big, but it is nice and clean. There are thirty desks and thirty chairs in it. They are new. The wall is white. There are five pictures on the wall. The floor is green. The teacher's desk is orange. I like our classroom very much.

    1. (1) Our classroom is big and nice.
    2. (2) There are thirteen new desks in the classroom.
    3. (3) There are five pictures on the wall.
    4. (4) The floor is orange.
    5. (5) I like our classroom.
  • 1. desk     our     There   a   bee   is   in (.)(连词成句)
  • 1. bee   really   It   is   a   (.)(连词成句)
  • 1. 阅读短文,完成下列各题。

    We have a new classroom this term. Look! It's small but clean. You can see six lights in it. They are white. Are the fans white? No, they are green. The desks and chairs are yellow. Can you see the blackboard? Yes, it's near the teacher's desk. What's on the teacher's desk? A computer. What's on the wall? Eight pictures. Where is my desk? It's near the window.

    1. (1) My classroom is big and clean.
    2. (2) You can see six lights in my classroom.
    3. (3) The desks and chairs are green.
    4. (4) The blackboard is near the teacher's desk.
    5. (5) My desk is near the door.
    6. (6) The are green.
    7. (7) The pictures are on the .
    8. (8) The is on the teacher's desk.
  • 1. on     It's     window     the   (.)(连词成句)
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