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  • 1. They (制作) a model of a Chinese spaceship yesterday.
  • 1. Simon was (感兴趣的) in the book.
  • 1. It was a book about space (旅行).
  • 1. Simon's mum bought ________________ a book.
    A . him B . he C . his D . she
  • 1. Simon was interested ________________ the book.
    A . to B . on C . in D . with
  • 1. I made a special toy ________________ you.
    A . on B . for C . of D . or
  • 1. 它是一本关于宇宙旅行的书。
  • 1. 选出句子相对应的答语。

    ⑴What did you buy?                          A. It's a pen.

    ⑵I bought you a pen.                         B. I bought a lot of things.

    ⑶Did you buy me a pencil?               C. I got a pen and a book.

    ⑷What is it?                                       D. No.

    ⑸What presents did you get?           E. Thank you.

  • 1. 根据短文内容判断下列句子正误。

        A rocket (火箭) looks like a big tube (管状物). It takes astronauts (宇航员) and spacecrafts (航天器), such as satellites (人造卫星) and space shuttles (航天飞机) up into space. They travel in the rocket' s nose (突出部位). A rocket is much faster and more powerful (强有力的) than any plane. A rocket can only go into space one time.

        Rockets fly straight up and pass through the atmosphere (大气层) into space. How do rockets get their power? There are liquid fuels (液体燃料) in the bases (底部) of rockets. When they burn (燃烧) they make many hot gases (气体). The gases shoot out (喷射出) of the backs of the rockets and push them off the ground.

    1. (1) Rockets take astronauts, satellites and space shuttles up into space.
    2. (2) Rockets get power from liquid fuels in their bases.
    3. (3) When liquid fuels burn they make many cold gases.
    4. (4) A rocket can go into space only one time.
    5. (5) A rocket is slower and more powerful than any plane.
  • 1. 你收到过什么样的生日礼物?是谁送给你的?你喜欢它们吗?请据此写一篇小短文,不少于五句话。

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