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  • 1. 根据课文内容,选择正确的答案。
    1. (1) ____is Etta's good friend.
    2. (2) Etta can't find her toy. She feels _________.
    3. (3) Etta _________ the new teddy bears.
    4. (4) Etta eats _________ in the restaurant.
    5. (5) Etta finds her toy___________.
  • 1. 根据课文内容,补全短文。

    Etta has a . His name is Teddy. Teddy is her good . Etta can't Teddy. Her mother wants to buy a new one for her. She doesn't want a new one. It's time to Then she sees her teddy bear. She is to find Teddy.

  • 1. 根据短文内容,给下列情景排序。

    It's time to go to bed. He puts his shoes under the bed. Then he sees his toy car.

    Joe is happy to find the toy car.

    Joe doesn't like any one.

    Joe cries. His mother takes him to the toy shop to buy a new toy car.

    Then his mother takes him to the ice cream shop. But Joe isn't happy to eat ice cream. He can't forget his favourite toy car.


    Joe has a toy car. It's red. He likes it very much. It's a gift from his father.

    Today he wants to play with the toy car. Where is the toy car? He looks for it everywhere. But he can't find it now.

  • 1. 根据课文内容,判断句子正误。
    1. (1) Etta likes the new teddy bears.
    2. (2) Etta doesn't like the new skirt.
    3. (3) Eita likes hamburgers and ice cream.
    4. (4) Etta can forget her teddy bear.
    5. (5) Etta finds her teddy bear.
  • 1. 阅读对话,完成下面的任务。
    1. (1) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。

      A. What about you?

      B. Are you okay?

      C. Then we go to the toy shop.

      D. Let's see a doctor now.

      E. Let's go shopping.

      F. I want to buy an English book.

      Lucy: Tom, it's Saturday.

      Tim: Great! What do you want to buy?


      Tim: Let's go to the book shop first(首先).


      Tim: I want to buy a football.


      Tim: OK. Let's go.

      Lucy: You ride so fast(快速).

      Tim: Ouch!


      Tim: No, my arm hurts.

      Lucy: Sorry!

    2. (2) Tim and Lucy want to go to the clothes shop first.
    3. (3) Lucy wants to buy an English book and Tim wants to buy a football.
    4. (4) Lucy hurts her arm.
    5. (5) They go to the hospital(医院)first.
  • 1. 听短文,按所听顺序用1一4给下列图片排序。

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