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  • 1. 看图,将短语补充完整。
    1. (1) do my

    2. (2) draw a

    3. (3) a book

    4. (4) a story

  • 1. picture,I,for,draw,a,my,story (.)

  • 1. 阅读理解

        I'm Kate. I'm a student. My favourite colour is yellow. I have a nice dress. I like it very much. Now, I'm wearing the dress and blue shoes. On Monday, I read a book. On Tuesday, I do my homework. On Friday, I sing a song. On Sunday, I play a game with my friends.


    1. (1) Kate is wearing the dress and blue shoes.
    2. (2) On Thursday, she does her homework.
    3. (3) On Friday, she sings a song.
    4. (4) On Sunday, she draws a picture.
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