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  • 1. It's Sunday. I have some donuts and dumplings.
  • 1. It's Friday.
    A . today B . week C . Wednesday
  • 1. We're going to have a party on .

  • 1. 读一读,根据故事内容选择合适的单词填空。

    big  clothes  trousers  nice  dress  skirt

    Linda is sad today, because her is small.

    Mum will take (带) her to buy(买) some new .

    Linda likes this T-shirt. But it is too .

    Linda doesn't like the . They are too long.

    This is okay. But Linda doesn't like red.

    Linda likes this dress. It looks . She is happy now.

  • 1. 阅读材料,完成下面的任务。
    1. (1) 为上述材料匹配相应的图片。

      A.    B.


      Today is hot. I'm wearing a red dress. It's a birthday gift from my mother. Look at my red shoes and white socks. I like them.


      Look at my cap. It's nice. I am wearing a blue T-shirt and green shorts. They are cool. I'm happy today.

    2. (2) The dress is a birthday gift from Tina's mother.
    3. (3) Tina is wearing white shoes and red socks.
    4. (4) Stella is wearing a shirt and shorts.
    5. (5) Stella's clothes look cool.
  • 1. 阅读下面材料,请你分一分,哪些是shirt,哪些是blouse?

    我们知道shirt是衬衫,在英语中shirt指有领子、有袖子、前面有扣子的正式服装,尤其指男式的衬衫。衬衫可以有长袖的,也可以有短袖的。那么女式的衬衫可以叫shirt 吗?在英语中,女式的衬衫被称为blouse。它通常是宽松的,而不是shirt那样特别合身的,它以宽松轻柔为最大特点,并且在袖口、领口或是腰部有收紧。平时我们看到的各种灯笼袖、蝴蝶袖,雪纺和丝质的衬衫,都应该是blouse ,而不是shirt。当然,一些女性在工作中穿的特别正式的和男士衬衫样式一样的衬衫,也可以被称为shirt。

    A.   B.   C.   D.

    E.   F.   G.   H.

    1. (1) Shirt:
    2. (2) Blouse:
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