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  • 1. 阅读判断。

        Look! This is a picture of Eddie White family. Eddie is tall and strong. Mr. White is tall and thin. His wife Mrs. White is short and fat. Mr. White likes swimming. He swims in the swimming pool every day. Mrs. White likes singing. She often sings in the morning.

        They have got a son and a daughter. Their son Edward likes reading. Their daughter Nancy likes drawing. They are happy.

    1. (1) This is a picture of Eddie White family.
    2. (2) Eddie is tall and strong.
    3. (3) Edward likes reading and drawing.
    4. (4) Nancy likes drawing.
    5. (5) The Whites are happy.
  • 1. —What do you ________?

    —I like robots.

    A . like B . do C . have
  • 1. — What color are they?

    — ________

    A . It is red. B . They is red. C . They are red.
  • 1. 用所给的选项补全下列句子,使句意完整,将其序号填在题前括号内。

    A. big and brown        B. it's his pencil       C. I can

    D. on the branch         E. I cant              F. it isn't my pencil

    1. (1) —Can you swim?

      — No, .

    2. (2) —Can you paint?

      — Yes, .

    3. (3) —Is this your pencil?

      —No, .

    4. (4) —Is this Peter's pencil?

      — Yes, .

    5. (5) Her eyes are .
    6. (6) The mouse is .
  • 1. Look! Miss Fang's got _______ sunglasses.
    A . a pocket of B . a pair of C . a bottle of
  • 1. 根据划线部分字母的读音。从方框中选择单词填写到相应的横线上。

    see  dowhite  cuChristmas  thirsty

    super  chair  this  nose  whose  shoe

    1. (1) teacher
    2. (2) shop
    3. (3) thin
    4. (4) where
    5. (5) bus
    6. (6) cold
  • 1. 看汉语写单词。
    1. (1) 大海
    2. (2) 中国
    3. (3) 从不
    4. (4) 爱好
    5. (5) 银行
    6. (6) 宾馆
    7. (7) 在…之间
    8. (8) 城市
  • 1. I read _______ every day.
    A . books B . book C . pencil
  • 1. I go to the museums in my city _______ a week.
    A . one B . first C . once
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