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  • 1. (2023六下·越秀期末) 看海报,根据图意完整回答问题。

    1. (1) What animal can you see in this picture?
    2. (2) What does this animal look like?
    3. (3) Is this animal in danger?
    4. (4) Can we cut this animal's long teeth?
    5. (5) What should we do to help this animal?
  • 1. (2023六下·越秀期末) 读故事,特将图的字母编号写在相应向子前面的括号内。

    Hi! I'd like to tell you a story "The goose and the golden (金的) eggs".

     Long ago, there was a poor farmer living in a small village. He worked very hard with his wife in the field every day.

     One day a white goose appeared in the field. The farmer and his wife were very happy to see the goose. They took the big fat goose back home.

     The next morning the farmer was really surprised to find the goose laid (下蛋) a big and shiny golden egg!

     The farmer and his wife were very excited. They sang and danced happily.

     Soon the farmer and his wife became richer and richer. They wore nice clothes and ate delicious food every day. They wanted to live in a big,big house.

    The farmer and his wife still wanted more. They thought one golden egg a day wasn't enough. There must be a lot of golden eggs in that goose's body!

     Then the farmer and his wife brought a sharp knife. They wanted to kill the goose and get all the golden eggs out.

     Finally, the farmer and his wife killed the goose, but there was no golden egg inside it.

    This story tells us, "Those who want everything may end up with nothing."

  • 1. (2023六下·越秀期末) 读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。将其字母编号写在括号内。

    Leonardo da Vinci was a great artist. He was born in 1452 in Italy. He died in 1519. Da Vinci began to learn to paint when he was 14 years old. One of his most famous paintings is the Mona Lisa. People love the painting. They love the smile on the face of Mona Lisa. The smile was named Mona Lisa's Smile.

    There are different stories about the famous painting the Mona Lisa. Here is an interesting one of them. Da Vinci was good at making cakes. His chocolate cake was the best. Da Vinci had a good friend named Mona Lisa. She loved chocolate cakes very much. One day, Mona Lisa came to visit da Vinci. Da Vinci was making a chocolate cake. He said, "Let me paint you. When I finish the painting, we'll share the chocolate cake." Mona Lisa was happy to hear this. She smiled, and da Vinci painted her with that smile.

    1. (1) Leonardo da Vinci was good at ____.
    2. (2) Leonardo da Vinci died when he was ____ years old.
    3. (3) Which painting is the Mona Lisa?
    4. (4) People love the smile on the face of Mona Lisa. They call it "____".
    5. (5) Which one is RIGHT? ____
  • 1. (2023六下·越秀期末) 找出划线部分发音不同的单词,将其字母编号写在括号内。
    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
    6. (6)
  • 1. (2023六下·越秀期末) 根据所给的单词,选择适当的描述,将其字母编号写在括号内。

     silly            A. unhappy

     upset         B. a very long time

     kiwi           C. not clever

     several      D. more than two but not very many

     giraffe       E. a New Zealand bird with a long beak

     forever      F. an African animal with a very long neck

  • 1. (2023六下·越秀期末) 判断下列句子是否符合事实或情理。
    1. (1) Never help others when they're in trouble.
    2. (2) People shouldn't pollute the oceans and the rivers.
    3. (3) We can visit the Harbour Bridge in Ottawa.
    4. (4) Kangaroos are from New Zealand. They have no tails.
    5. (5) Deng Jiaxian is often called the father of Chinese atomic science.
    6. (6) It's polite to say "thank you" when others are helping you.
  • 1. (2023六下·越秀期末)  Look! The boy is ____. He should wait until he finishes.
    A . talking with his mouth full B . wasting water C . giving his seat to an old lady
  • 1. (2023六下·越秀期末)  —If a boy takes all the food from the dish, what will you say to him?

    —I will say, "____"

    A . Be quiet. B . Share with others. C . Help yourself to some dishes.
  • 1. 根据句子意思,从方框内选择对应的单词。

    Chinatown, leaf, disappear, London, easy

    1. (1) It won't appear again.  
    2. (2) It isn't difficult.
    3. (3) You can see many on the tree.
    4. (4) It is the captain city of the UK.
    5. (5) Chinese people live there together abroad.  
  • 1. —Do you have an iPhone now?

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