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  • 1. This is _______ sister.
    A . me B . I C . my
  • 1. She is a student. _______ name is Lynn.
    A . Her B . His C . She
  • 1. 看图,选择正确的字母补全单词并判断所填字母在单词中的发音是否相同。

    f  e  v  k  g

    1. (1) oran e     irl     
    2. (2) amily     git
    3. (3) fi e     drier     
    4. (4) l g    h           
    5. (5) nee    worer     
  • 1. We _______ a happy family.
    A . am B . are C . is
  • 1. Li Daming is _______ father.
    A . Li Ming B . Liu Yun's C . Li Ming's
  • 1. 观察图片,把符合图片内容的句子抄写在四线三格里,请注意大小写及标点符号。

    1  We are a happy family.

    2  I have a sister.

    3  The boy is my brother.

    4  We have a birthday cake.

    5  We are in our school.

  • 1. 读一读,选择与句子或对话意思相符的图片。

    A.   B.   C.   D.   E.

    1. (1) We live in China.
    2. (2) We have a big birthday party.
    3. (3) —Happy birthday. This gift is for you.

      —Thanks. How nice!

    4. (4) —How old are you?

      —I'm eight years old.

    5. (5) —No school and no party.

      —Oh, no.

  • 1. This is Bob. He is a _______.
    A . policeman B . young C . tall
  • 1. 阅读绘本故事,完成下列任务。

    Tom: Today is my birthday. I'm ten years old. No gifts! No cakes!

    Tom: Can you play with me?

    John: Sorry, my leg hurts. I can't walk.

    Tom: Can Lily play with me?

    John: Sorry, her head hurts. She has to see a doctor.

    Tom: Okay...

    Everyone: Surprise! Happy birthday!
    John: This birthday cake is for you.
    Lily: This gift is for you.

    Tom: Thank you! I am very happy.

    1. (1) Today is _________ birthday.
    2. (2) John says," My _________ hurts."
    3. (3) —Is Lily sick?


    4. (4) Lily gives Tom a.
    5. (5) Tom feelstoday.
  • 1. 阅读材料,为人物选择相应的称呼。

    在英语中,aunt 既可以指婶母,伯母,姑母,也可以指舅母,姨母。uncle 既可以指叔父,伯父,姑父,也可以指舅父,姨父。grandma既可以指奶奶,也可以指外婆。grandpa既可以指爷爷,也可以指外公。还有cousin既可以指堂兄(或弟、姐、妹),也可以指表兄(或弟、姐、妹)。然而,在汉语中,人们对亲戚的称呼分得很细,姑就是姑,姨就是姨,这是不能混淆的。所以汉语中出现了许多对亲戚的称呼,这和英语中的情况是不一样的。

    A. Aunt  B. Uncle  C. Grandma  D. Grandpa  E. Cousin  F. Father  G. Mother

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