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  • 1. 读对话,给它们配上相应的图片。

    Danny: Hello, Steven. How are you?

                             Steven: Hi, Danny. I'm fine, thanks.

    Danny: Steven, this is Bob. He is my friend.

                             Steven: Nice to meet you, Bob.

                             Bob: Nice to meet you, too.

    Danny &Bob: Wow! Look! How beautiful(漂亮的)the snow(雪) is!

                            Steven: Danny, please close the window. I feel very cold.

    Danny: OK. How do you feel now?

                             Steven: I feel warm.

    A.   B.   C.   D.

  • 1. 根据表格内容,圈出正确的单词完成短文。


    Dong dong








    Hello, I'm (Mary/Dong dong). I'm ten years old. I live in (China/Canada). I have a kite. It's (blue/black). This is my friend, Amy.

    Hi, my name is Mary. I'm (six/seven). I live in Canada. I have a (white/red) umbrella. My good friend is a (girl/boy).

  • 1. Kim和 Lynn正在公园里打羽毛球,这时Danny 出现了,来看看发生了什么吧!根据他们的对话,判断句子正误。

    Kim: I feel very happy. How do you feel?

    Lynn: I feel very tired.

    Kim: Danny, come and play with me(来和我一起玩).

    Danny: Okay, okay... Ouch! I hurt my tail.

    Lynn & Kim: Are you Okay?

    Danny: No, I don't feel good. My tail hurts.

    Kim: Let's see a doctor.

    Doctor: What's the matter?

    Danny: My tail hurts.

    Doctor: Oh. Don't worry(担心). I can help (帮助) you.

    Danny: Thank you. I feel good now.

    1. (1) Lynn feels very tired.
    2. (2) Danny's foot hurts.
    3. (3) Danny sees a doctor.
    4. (4) Danny doesn't feel good now.
  • 1. 阅读短文,完成下面的表格。

    I'm Lily. This is my desk. There are six books on my desk. I like them. There is a blue pencil box on my desk too. I have five brown pencils in it. And I have two yellow rulers and three green crayons.

    School things

    pencil box


    How Many



    What colour



  • 1. 阅读短文,完成思维导图。

    Hi! I'm Jane. I'm ten years old. I'm a student. Look! This is my family. This is my father. His name is Will Smith. He is a worker. This is my mother. She is a doctor. Her name is Mary Smith. My sister's name is Patti. She is a bus driver. This is my brother. His name is George. He is a student, too.

  • 1. 阅读对话,帮助医生完成病历卡(只填序号)。

    In the hospital(在医院里)...

    Dr. Wang: Jack, please.
    Jack: Hello, Dr. Wang.

    Dr. Wang: Hello! How old are you, Jack?

    Jack: I'm eight.

    Dr. Wang: What's the matter?

    Jack: My stomach hurts. I eat a lot of(很多)cake.

    Dr. Wang: Let me see. Don't be sad. It doesn't matter. Eat more vegetables(多吃


    Jack: Thank you, Dr. Wang.

    Name: (A. Tom   B. Jack )

    Age: (A. 8  B. 9)

    Reason for Visit: (就诊原因) (A.     B. )

    Doctor's Instruction: (医生的嘱咐) (A.     B. )

    Doctor's Name: Dr. Wang

    Date: 1/5/2022