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  • 1. 你给别人买过礼物么?请把你选择礼物的情况简单写下来。(要求:至少五个句子, 内容包括给谁买礼物,你有多少钱,买的礼物多少钱,买这个礼物的原因及选礼物的过程)

    Choosing a gift

  • 1. 读短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

        One evening Nick's mother said to Nick, “Look at your sports shoes. How dirty they are! You must clean them.”

      “Oh, Mother, but I cleaned them only yesterday,” said the boy.

        They are dirty now. You must clean them again.”

       “I don't want to clean them today. Even if (即使) I clean them today, they will be dirty again tomorrow.” Nick's mother said, “All right.”           

        The next evening Nick came back from school. He was very hungry.

      “Mother, give me something to eat, please,” he said.

      “You had your breakfast in the morning, Nick, and you had lunch at school,” his mother said.

      “I'm hungry again,” cried the boy.

      “Oh, hungry? But if (如果) I give you something to eat today, you will be hungry tomorrow.”

    1. (1) Nick had a pair of sports shoes.

    2. (2) Nick's shoes were not clean.

    3. (3) Nick's mother told Nick to clean the shoes.

    4. (4) Nick cleaned his shoes that day.

    5. (5) The next evening, Nick was hungry and his mother didn't give him food right away (马上) . She wanted to teach him a lesson.

    6. (6) Nick was a lazy (懒惰的) boy.

  • 1. My mother prefer this hat ___________ that hat.       

    A . than B . for C . to  
  • 1. —___________ did they go to the library when they were in the USA?

    — Once a week.

    A . How B . When C . How often
  • 1. Mary prefers these ___________ to that ___________.

    A . shorts; shirt B . shirt; shorts C . shorts; shirts
  • 1. 根据所给情景填空,一空一词。

    1. (1) 你想知道这条运动裤子多少钱,这样问:

      does this pair of sweatpants?

    2. (2) 你想知道Ann更喜欢哪副眼镜,你这样问她:

      sunglasses you ?

    3. (3) 如果Ann更喜欢那副大一点的眼镜,她这样告诉你:

      Ann prefer the pair.

    4. (4) 你想知道那副滑雪手套多少钱,可以这样问售货员:

      those ski gloves ?


      They dollars.

  • 1. Tom ___________ jeans.

    A . prefer this B . prefers these C . preferring these
  • 1. I ___________ 20 yuan in the shopping mall yesterday.                     

    A . cost B . spent C . was
  • 1. I ___________ to a movie tomorrow.       

    A . go B . am going C . went   
  • 1. Now Sue ___________ do the dishes every day.       

    A . have to B . has to C . had to
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