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  • 1. 阅读短文,选择正确的选项,并将划线句子译成汉语。

        There is a big forest zoo in the Dalian. There are lots of animals. Tigers are twenty. Lions are ten. Bears are twelve. Wolves are thirty. How many wild (野生的) animals? It's seventy-two. Do you know the numbers about the animals?

    1. (1) How many wild animals?
    2. (2) How many tigers and lions?
    3. (3) How many bears and wolves?
    4. (4)
  • 1. 阅读短文,判断正误,并将句子译成汉语。

        Amy is in a Chinese school. In her class, there are fifty children. There are thirty boys and twenty girls. But it was very different in Amy's class in England. In England, there were thirty children: fifteen boys and fifteen girls. So, Amy has got more friends here in China!

    1. (1) In China there are thirty children in Amy's class.
    2. (2) It was different in England in Amy's class.
    3. (3) In England, there were fifteen girls in Amy's class.
    4. (4)
  • 1. 英汉互译。

    ⑴So we've got more friends in China!                          A. 你当然可以问问题了。

    ⑵Of course, you can ask a question.                            B. 桌子上有23台电脑。

    ⑶Are there many apples at School A?                          C. 所以我们在中国有更多的朋友。

    ⑷How many classrooms are there in your school?       D. 你们学校有多少个教师?

    ⑸There are twenty-three computers on the desk.        E. 在A学校有很多苹果吗?

    ⑹This is our poster.                                                        F. 这是我们的海报。

  • 1. 根据问句选择答语。

    ⑴What's that?                                                     A. No, I won't.

    ⑵Will you go to Shandong this week?               B. It's green.

    ⑶What colour is this monkey?                           C. It's a monster.

    ⑷Are you going to the zoo next week?              D. Yes, I am.

    ⑸Can I ask you a question?                                 E. Yes, you can.

    ⑹Are there many children in your class?             F. No, he hasn't.

    ⑺Has he got a computer for birthday party?     G. There are ten pens.

    ⑻How many pens are there in the box?              H. He will pick fruit.

    ⑼Is he flying a kite now?                                      I. Yes, he is.

    ⑽What will Jim do on Thursday?                          J. Yes, there are.

  • 1. in,   Picture,   One,   there,   a,   is,   boy,   (.)(连词成句)
  • 1. we,   have got,   friends,   more,   in,   China,   (.)(连词成句)
  • 1. about,   there,   are,   twenty,   classes,   (.)(连词成句)
  • 1. there,   are,   many,   in,   children,   your,   class,   (?)(连词成句)
  • 1. he,   is,   a,   flying,   kite,   (.)(连词成句)
  • 1. 找出正确译文。

    ⑴on Saturday             A. 当然了!

    ⑵on the desk            B. 在周六

    ⑶Of course!              C. 在桌子上

    ⑷forty-one bridges       D. 恐怕

    ⑸in the box              E. 在盒子里

    ⑹in the UK               F. 第四张图片

    ⑺in Class Three           G. 41座桥

    ⑻draw a monster         H. 在三班

    ⑼in Picture 4             I. 画一个怪物

    ⑽I'm afraid.            J. 在英国

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