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  • 1. 每个小朋友都有自己最喜欢的节日,相信你也一样。请你以"My Favourite Festival"为题,写一写你最喜欢的节日。


  • 1. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    April Fool's Day

        Do you want to be a fool? Of course not. But sometimes you may be a fool. That's on April the first. Do you know April Fool's Day?

        April the first is called April Fool's Day. We can also call it "All Fool's Day". It comes from France. It has a history of 800 years. On that day people can tell a lie (说谎), cheat(欺骗) others, cook up a story and spread (传播)it around. They can make fun of others. If you are cheated by others, you would be called fools. But in England, people can only do these in the morning, and they can't make fun of high officials(高级官员).

    1. (1) Which day is called April Fool's Day?
    2. (2) April Fool's Day comes from______________.
    3. (3) April Fool's Day has a history of______________ years.
    4. (4) What can people do on that day?
    5. (5) In England, people can only make fun of somebody in the______________.
  • 1. 给下列问句选择合适的答语。

    A. Yes, I am.

    B. People give them sweets.

    C. They're going to listen to music.

    D. There are ten.

    E. He is telling a story.

    1. (1) —What are they going to do at the weekend?

    2. (2) What is he doing?

    3. (3) How many eggs are there?

    4. (4) Are you going to have a birthday cake?

    5. (5) What do people give children?

  • 1. 用be going to写句子:

    提示:at the weekend

  • 1. 用be going to写句子:


    提示:Friday afternoon

  • 1. 用be going to写句子:

    提示:Monday evening

  • 1. 用be going to写句子:


  • 1. 用be going to写句子:


  • 1. You are going to help me______________.
    A . tidy down B . up tidy C . tidy up
  • 1. What______________ their neighbours______________?
    A . do; do B . does; does C . do; does
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