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  • 1. 听录音,选择你所听到的句子中含有的单词(   )
    A . countryside B . path C . mountains
  • 1. 听录音,选择你所听到的句子(   )
    A . The fairy will give the poor farmer some gold. B . The farmer will give the artist some water. C . The teacher will give the students some rulers.
  • 1. 听录音,选择你所听到的句子(   )
    A . Let me show you how to reuse them. B . Let's help you to do it. C . We can put some water in it first.
  • 1. 六一儿童节快到了!你记忆中的儿童节有哪些愉快的经历呢?写一篇短文告诉我们吧。


  • 1. 阅读理解

    Little Red Riding Hood

        Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats, so her mother calls her Little Red Riding Hood. Her grandma loves her very much, too. But now Grandma is ill. Her mother is busy, so she asks Little Red Riding Hood to see her grandma. In the forest, a wolf sees Little Red

    Riding Hood and says to himself, "Look! Little Red Riding Hood! I will have her for lunch."

        The wolf comes to Grandma's house and eats her. Then he wears Grandma's glasses and clothes, and stays in her bed. After a while, Little Red Riding Hood comes to her grandma's bed. To her surprise, Grandma's mouth is very big. She asks, "Grandma, why is your mouth so big.'?" "1 eat little girls with this mouth." And then he rushes at Little

    Red Riding Hood.

        "Help! Help!" Little Red Riding Hood runs out of the house. The wolf follows Little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter(猎人)passes the house. He shoots the wolf and saves Little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts open the wolf and Grandma comes out.

    1. (1) The girl is called "Little Red Riding Hood" because she likes wearing           .
    2. (2) Little Red Riding Hood's grandma lives           .
    3. (3) —Why does Little Red Riding Hood go to see her grandma alone?

      —Because her mother is          .

    4. (4) The little girl finds her grandma's mouth is          .
    5. (5)          saves Little Red Riding Hood.
  • 1. 阅读理解

        I am Jane. Collecting pencils is one of my hobbies. I often buy some beautiful pencils.

        I am Tom. Riding bikes is my hobby. I have a nice bike. I go to school by bike. I often ride a bike with my friends at weekends.

        I am Sally. Painting is my hobby. This picture of pandas is for my mother. She likes pandas.

        I am Jack. I have a kite from my cousin in China. It's a big bird. Flying kites is my hobby, but I can't fly it very well.

        We are Lucy and Lily. We are twins. Singing and dancing are our hobbies. We like listening to music. We like dancing at home.

    1. (1) Jane likes collecting rubbers.
    2. (2) Riding bikes is Tom's hobby.
    3. (3) Sally's mother likes birds.
    4. (4) Jack can fly kites very well.
    5. (5) 选择正确的图片,将其序号填在横线上。

                 is Sally's hobby.

  • 1. 阅读理解

    Jim's Family Rules

        Jim is a good student at school. He never breaks the school rules(违反校规). All of his teachers like him a lot. But he is not a good boy at home. He doesn't clean his room. He puts his books here and there. He goes to bed very late and reads books in bed, so Jim's mother makes some family rules for him.

        Family rules:You should keep your room clean. You should eat healthy food. You should go to bed early. Don't read books in bed. Don't watch TV till late at night. Don't put your books here and there.

    1. (1) Jim is a good student at school.
    2. (2) Jim is a good boy at home.
    3. (3) All of Jim's teachers like him.
    4. (4) Jim's father makes the family rules for him.
    5. (5) 阅读短文,判断下列图片是否符合Jim的家规。

  • 1. 根据图片提示,请以“Better city, better life”为题,写一写如何做一名合格的市民。


  • 1. Sally went to the city library last week.

  • 1. It means: "Look out for children."

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