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  • 1. — What Sam often (study) in his room?

    — He (study) math.

  • 1. This is notkite. That kite is blue,  butis yellow. ( I )

  • 1.  My mother g  me a new box of crayons.
  • 1.  Look, the box is f of apples.
  • 1.  看图片,写单词。
    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 1. 给下列问句选择合适的答语。 

    Are the books yours, Peter? 

    What falls on the floor? 

    Whose bedroom is this? 

    Is this my cap, Mum? 

    Where is my crayon? 

    Can you put your books in your bag? 

    A. It's under the book. 

    B. It's mine. 

    C. No, they aren't. They are Sam's. 

    D. Some nails. 

    E. Sure. 

    F. Yes, it is.

  • 1. 根据问句选答语。

    A. They are Mike's.

    B. Yes, they are.

    C. Some nails.

    D. He is tidying up his bedroom.

    E. John is in the bedroom.

    1. (1) —Who is in the bedroom?

    2. (2) —Whose crayons are these?

    3. (3) —What is Mike doing?

    4. (4) —What's in the box?

    5. (5) —Are they your socks?

  • 1. 补全对话。

    A. You are welcome.

    B. It is mine.

    C. Let me help you.

    D. No, it isn't mine.

    E. I can't find my key.

    Linda: What are you doing, Tom?

    Tom: I am looking for my key.

    Linda: Here is a key. Is this yours?


    Linda: Let's go to the Lost and Found Case(失物招领处).

    Tom: OK.


    Tom: Have you got a key?

    Mrs. Jones: Yes, we have. Is this your key?

    Tom: Yes. Thank you.

    Mrs. Jones:

  • 1. 阅读短文, 选择正确的答案。

    Look! This is Jack and Tom's bedroom. What a mess! They don't tidy up the room. There are two beds, one desk and two chairs. The blue chair is Jack's and the yellow chair is Tom's. Jack likes blue very much, but Tom likes yellow very much. They are twin brothers and they are in the same class. They go to school together every day. There are many things on the desk: books, schoolbags, pens, pencils, cups and many other things. The blue cup is Jack's. Whose yellow cup is that? Do you know? Yes, it's Tom's.

    1. (1) ─Whose bedroom is it?


    2. (2) ─Is the room tidy?


    3. (3) ─Are Jack and Tom the same age?


    4. (4) ─What colour does Tom like?


    5. (5) ─Are they in the same class?


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