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  • 1. to, why, go, so, did, you, bed, late (?)
  • 1. 选择正确的单词,并用适当的形式填空

    do     read       play     watch

    1. (1) I a football game last night.
    2. (2) Lily a story book yesterday.
    3. (3) I my homework.
    4. (4) She some shopping yesterday.
    5. (5) I the violin last weekend.
  • 1. I readed a story book last night.
  • 1. This morning he get up early.
  • 1. 根据短文,判断对错

        Last night Li Ming did his homework. And then he watched a film. He went to bed at twelve o'clock. He usually get up at half past six. But this morning he got up at half past elven. It's an hour late. So he went to school by taxi. He had some cake and milk in the taxi. He got to school late.

    1. (1) Li Ming didn't do his homework last night.
    2. (2) Li Ming watched a film last night.
    3. (3) This morning Li Ming got up at half past six.
    4. (4) This morning Li Ming went to school on foot.
    5. (5) Li Ming had breakfast in the taxi.
  • 1. 下面的单词或短语汉语意思
    1. (1) last
    2. (2) seat
    3. (3) fan 
    4. (4) on foot
    5. (5) come here
    6. (6) take photos
  • 1. 对话搭配

    ⑴What did you do last night?                   A. Come in, please.

    ⑵Why were you late today?                      B. I usually play football.

    ⑶When did you go to bed?                       C. I got up late this morning.

    ⑷May I come in?                                        D. I did my homework.

    ⑸What do you usually do after school?     E. At twelve o'clock.

  • 1. She doesn't have breakfast this morning.
  • 1. 看图补全短语
    1. (1)     the
    2. (2)     some
    3. (3)    homework
    4. (4)    play
    5. (5)     a
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