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  • 1.

    —How much is the skirt?

  • 1. 看图,根据情景选择合适的交际用语(有一项多余)。

    A. How much is it?

    B. Dad, can I buy a toy car?

    C. Let's take it now.

    D. What about this one?

    E. Dad, can I buy a kite?


    Dad: Sure. We can shop online.

    Jack: Great!

    Dad: Look!

    Jack: It's nice. I like it.

    Dad: It's 35 yuan.


  • 1. 选词填空。

    story  computer  Shopping  easy  show

    online is popular now. Can you shop online? Today my father will me how to buy a story book online. It's my first time to shop online. We turn on our first. My father finds Taobao. He types (打字) "storybooks" and clicks(点击)"Search(查找)". We can see many books. I like Snow White. My father clicks "Buy now". Then he types our address(地址) and pays for it. Shopping online is .

  • 1.

    —Sure. We can shop online.

  • 1. 根据图片提示补全单词,并按所给单词画线部分的发音将单词分类(只填序号)。
    1. (1) ca
    2. (2) iter
    3. (3) ki
    4. (4) eel
    5. (5) shor
    6. (6) ite
    7. (7) at
    8. (8) car
    9. (9) hats:
    10. (10) beds:
    11. (11) where:
    12. (12) wrong:
  • 1. 阅读材料,完成下面的任务。

    Do you like shopping online or shopping in stores(实体店购物)?

    Miss Lin

    My home is far from the city. I often shop online. I don't need to go out. I buy three books land a coat online today. They're cheap(便宜的). I like shopping online.

    Miss Gao

    I live near some clothes shops and a supermarket. Today I try on (试穿) a dress at the Lady Clothes Shop. It's nice. I take it. I also buy some vegetables and fruit in the supermarket. Shopping in stores makes me happy.

    1. (1) 选择人物所购买的物品,将其序号填在相应的横线上。

      Miss Lin

      Miss Gao

      A.   B.   C.   D.

    2. (2) Miss Lin lives near the city.
    3. (3) Miss Lin buys three books online.
    4. (4) Miss Gao likes shopping in stores.
    5. (5) Miss Gao buys a dress in the supermarket.
  • 1. 听录音,画出大家想购买的物品并标注价格。
    1. (1) ¥
    2. (2) ¥
    3. (3) ¥
    4. (4) ¥
  • 1.

    —I want to buy some ice cream.

  • 1.

    —Where do you want to go?

  • 1. Do you like (shop) online?
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