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  • 1. (A letter/An email) doesn't need stamps.
  • 1. 我把信邮寄到北京。
  • 1. 我可以用你的笔写信吗?
  • 1. 判断题

    Mary: Hello, Lucy! What are you doing?

    Lucy: I am sending some postcards. How about you?

    Mary: I'm sending a letter. Where are you sending your postcards?

    Lucy: I'm sending them to America. And where are you sending your letter?

    Mary: I'm sending it to Canada.

    Lucy: How much are the stamps?

    Mary: I think they are ten yuan or more.

    Lucy: That's too expensive (昂贵的).

    Mary: I think so.

    Lucy: Why not send an email on the computer?

    Mary: That's a good idea. Let's go and find a computer.

    Lucy: Can you write an email?

    Mary: Yes, I can.

    1. (1) Lucy and Mary are at the Palace Museum.
    2. (2) Lucy is sending her postcards to America.
    3. (3) Mary is sending postcards, too.
    4. (4) The stamps are cheap.
    5. (5) Mary can't write an email.
  • 1. 匹配题

              A. postcard

             B. computer

              C. idea

              D. stamp

              E. email

  • 1. 将下列句子重新排列成一段通顺的对话。

    A. How many stamps do you need?

    B. I want to buy some stamps and postcards.

    C. It's two yuan for one stamp, and it's one yuan for one postcard. That's twenty-five yuan.

    D. Five.

    E. To the post office.

    F. Ten.

    G. How many postcards do you need?

    H. How much are they?

    I. Where are you going?

    J. What do you want to do?


  • 1. 选择答语

    ⑴Let's send an email

    ⑵Can I use

    ⑶I want to send

    ⑷There is a postcard

    ⑸I will go back home

    A. on Tuesday.

    B. a letter to my friend.

    C. to Jenny.

    D. the pencil, please?

    E. on the table.

  • 1. 李刚要给张萌发一封电子邮件,帮他把内容补充完整吧!

    A. How are you?

    B. Love,

    Li Gang

    C. zhangmeng@163. com

    D. ligang@qq. com

    E. Dear Zhang Meng,

     ⒉ ⒊ ⒋ ⒌

  • 1.
    A . I have a good idea now. B . I feel very sad now.  
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