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  • 1. (2021四下·深圳期末) 找出错误并改正

    I would like to answer to the article Helping and learning.

             A                    B              C

  • 1. (2021四下·深圳期末) 找出错误并改正

    If you don't go to the meeting tomorrow, he won't, too.

                 A                                                              B      C

  • 1. (2021四下·深圳期末) 找出错误并改正

    If he was with us, we would finish the task earlier.

              A                           B       C

  • 1. (2021四下·深圳期末) 找出错误并改正

    The sick boy is taken to hospital by the police yesterday.

              A              B                                  C

  • 1. (2021四下·深圳期末) 阅读理解

    It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill. So it is easier to fall into bad habits than into good ones. Bad habits do not come suddenly. They come little by little without one being aware of their danger. School boys first pick up little bad habits in school and on the street. When they can't write their lessons, they copy from their schoolmates. If they see bigger boys smoking, they also want to learn to smoke. If they see their friends gambling they want to gamble. When they get bigger, the habits become stronger and stronger so that they can no longer get rid of them. From copying they learn to steal, from gambling, they learn to cheat. At last they become suspected by everybody. How necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the beginning!

    1. (1) It is easier to fall into ______ than into________.
    2. (2) Bad habits come________.
    3. (3) Where do schoolboys pick up little bad habits first?
    4. (4) When schoolboys get bigger, their bad habits become_______.
    5. (5) It is important for us_________. 
  • 1. (2021四下·深圳期末) 完形填空

    Bob wants to get some money.  He finds a job at a shop. Every day he 1 some work after school. But2Saturday he works 3 day. Every day after school, he takes a bus to the shop. He 4 there at 4:00. At the shop he cleans and washes vegetables, 5, then puts them in bags. 6 he sweeps the floor. Bob likes his work. He works 7 4 to 6. Then he goes home. He8 supper at half past six. After supper he studies. He is usually tired9 . 10 he goes to bed early.

    A . finishes B . does C . gets D . has
    A . on B . in C . for D . at
    A . the B . other C . all D . a
    A . gets B . gets to C . comes D . comes to
    A . eats them B . puts away them C . waters them D . puts them away
    A . Some time B . Sometime C . Sometimes D . /
    A . at B . on C . from D . between
    A . eat B . has C . does D . have
    A . before the night B . after school C . before supper D . at night
    A . So B . But C . For D . And
  • 1. (2021四下·深圳期末) We must try our best        our English.
    A . improve B . improving C . improved D . to improve
  • 1. (2021四下·深圳期末) Isn't she _____you today?
    A . with B . for C . of D . on
  • 1. (2021四下·深圳期末) Do you have a partner to speak English ________?
    A . for B . to C . on D . with
  • 1. (2021四下·深圳期末) The difficult problems make him _____.
    A . studying hard B . study hard C . to study hard D . studies hard
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