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  • 1. 读一读小朋友关于宠物的描述,选择正确的图片。

        I have a pet dog. He is black. He is very brave. He can run fast. He can jump high. He likes bones and milk. He has long legs and a short tail. I like him very much.


    A . B .     C . D .
  • 1. 读短文,回答问题

    The tortoise and the rabbit

        Rabbit loves running. He can run very fast. One day, he sees a small green animal with a hard shell(壳).

        "Hello," Rabbit says, "Who are you?" "I'm a tortoise." "What do tortoises like?" "We like running," Tortoise says. Rabbit laughs. "I can run very fast. Let's have a race (赛跑)."

        Rabbit is very fast. Tortoise is very slow. "I will (将会) win (获胜)," Rabbit thinks. Then he falls asleep (睡着的).

        Tortoise walks and walks. He walks past (经过) Rabbit and gets to the finish line (终点线). Tortoise wins!

    1. (1) What does Rabbit love?
    2. (2) Who runs fast, Rabbit or Tortoise?
    3. (3) Who wins the race?
  • 1. 读一读小朋友关于宠物的描述,选择正确的图片。

        What is my pet? She is a cat. Her eyes are big. Her teeth are sharp. She likes fish very much, but she does not like cat food at all. She has a long tail. Her body is black, but her legs are white. Do you like her?


    A . B .     C . D .  
  • 1. — (be) there any water in the glass?

    — Yes.

  • 1. —How many  (month) are there in a year?

    — 12.

  • 1. 用 am. is, are, have, has, there is 和 there are的适当形式填空
    1. (1) a book on the desk?
    2. (2) Our classroomclean, but their classroomsdirty.
    3. (3) My father,a doctor. Hea new car.
    4. (4) —I your English teacher?

      — Yes, you.

    5. (5) some boys on the playground.
    6. (6) Itwo brothers. Theya new football.
    7. (7) not any sugar in the bowl. any in the bottle?
    8. (8) —Whatyouin your hand?

      — I  a pair of glasses.

    9. (9) —What in your bag?

       many books.

    10. (10)  an English book and any Chinese books on the desk?
  • 1.

    Where is Bossy? What is the doing?

  • 1. 照样子改句子

    例句:Ben, watch television, please. →Ben is watching television.

    1. (1) Kitty, pick the yellow flower.
    2. (2) Let's climb the trees.
    3. (3) Mum, don't run!
  • 1. Where is Hilly? What is she doing?
  • 1.

    Where is Susan? What is she doing?

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