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  • 1. I can_________ you the English books.
    A . look B . show C . see
  • 1. 给下列句子选择正确的译文。

    A. 是什么噪声?          B. 看看那个标志。

    C. 嘘! 小声讲话!        D. 我爱这场电影。

    E. 它如此令人激动!

    1. (1) I lovethe film.
    2. (2) What'sthe noises?
    3. (3) It's soexciting!
    4. (4) Look atthe sign.
    5. (5) Shh!Talk quietly!
  • 1. It's 7:00. I am reading a book now.
    A . B . C .
  • 1. My brother is riding his bike.
    A . B . C .
  • 1. 你想告诉别人"安静工作",应说:
    A . Work quietly! B . Read quietly! C . Work hard!
  • 1. English my book here is(. )(连词成句)
  • 1. Is your sister having an English class now? (作否定回答)
  • 1. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    I am Tom. I'm ten years old. I am very afraid to cross the road(过马路). When the light changes into green, I will go. I will stop at the red light. We can wait at the yellow light. We must obey(遵守)the traffic rules.

    1. (1) Tom is________ years old.
    2. (2) Tom is afraid to________.
    3. (3) We will________ at the red light.
    4. (4) We must obey the________.
  • 1. 阅读短文,将下列句子补充完整。

    Hello! I'm Robin. Today Sarah and I are in the world robot exhibition. There are so many robots. A Canadian robot is drawing a picture. A Japanese robot, Asako is making sushi. A Spanish robot is playing music. A Chinese robot is doing kung fu. He teaches me. I'm very happy.

    1. (1) and Robin are in the world robot exhibition.
    2. (2) The Canadian robot is.
    3. (3) Asako is.
    4. (4) The Spanish robot is.
    5. (5) The Chinese robot is.
  • 1. 选出与下列图片相应的句子

    A. Talk quietly!            B. No eating!

    C. Keep your desk clean!    D. Work quietly!

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
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