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  • 1. 假设你是Andy,请以"My Habits"(我的习惯)为题,运用所给单词和短语写一写自己的习惯,不少于五句话。

    always    often    sometimes    never    read books    go to the park    watch TV    fly a kite    swim in winter    do my homework

  • 1. (2024六上·杜尔伯特期末) I often take a bus to school. (用"by+交通工具"改写句子)

    I often go to school  .

  • 1. 你在爷爷奶奶家都做些什么呢?写一写发生的趣事。不少于五句话,书写工整,语言流利。
  • 1.  阅读短文,判断正误。

    Betty and Kitty are twins. They're 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different hobbies. Betty likes watching TV. Kitty likes listening to music. They both like reading books. Betty likes reading storybooks. But Kitty likes reading science books. On Sunday, they usually ride bikes to the park. They can play with their friends. Sometimes their parents go there too.

    1. (1) Betty is Kitty's sister.
    2. (2) Betty likes growing flowers. 
    3. (3) Kitty likes reading storybooks. 
    4. (4) The twins are twelve years old. 
    5. (5) The twins usually take a bus to the park on Sundays. 
  • 1.  阅读短文,按要求完成下面的题目。

    My brother is busy

    It was half past eight in the morning. The telephone bell rang and Mary went to answer it. 

    "Hello. Who's that?" She asked.

    "It's me, Peter. "

    Peter was a friend of Mary's eight-year old brother, Johnny. 

    "Can I speak to Johnny? "

    "No, "said Mary, " you can't speak to him now. He is busy. He is getting ready for school. He is eating his breakfast. Grandmother is combing(梳理)his hair. Sister is under the table, putting his shoes on. Mother is getting his books and putting them in his schoolbag. Goodbye, I have to go now. I have to hold the door open. The school bus is coming. "

    1. (1) Who went to answer it when the telephone bell rang?
    2. (2) Whom did Peter want to speak to?
    3. (3) Johnny couldn't speak to Peter because Johnny ____.
    4. (4) When did the telephone ring?
    5. (5) Who is Peter?
  • 1.  My mother likes going shopping. (改为一般疑问句)
  • 1.  They are listening to music now. (用always改写句子)

    They    music.

  • 1.  I like walking in the park. (改为一般疑问句)

     you like  in the park?

  • 1.  They are collecting stamps now. (用always改写句子)

    They   .

  • 1.  选内容补全对话。                                 

    A. Do you like the dog?

    B. Do you often stay at home with it?

    C. Who is this little girl?

    D. Do you want to see it?

    E. What's this?


    B: It's a photo of my family. 

    A: Yes, I'd love to. 

    B: It's me. I am playing with the dog. 


    B: Yes, I like it very much. 


    B: Not really. We often go out to play games.

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