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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,选择最佳的答案。

        Charlie Chaplin spent over 70 years acting both on stages and in films. But do you know 1 he began his artistic(演艺生涯) career?

        When Chaplin was five years old, his father died. His mother thought she was rather ill, had to go on with her work as a 2 in order to make a living and she took little Chaplin along with her because no one took care of him at home.

        Once when she was giving a performance on the stage. 3 chocked(卡住) her throat, and she could not go on. People whistled(吹口哨) and 4. At that time, little Chaplin ran to the stage and 5 his mother. He wanted to help her. He cleverly sang as his mother did. He acted 6 that the audience all laughed merrily. They tossed(扔) coins to the stage 7 his humorous acting and pleasing voice.

        Seeing this little Chaplin said to the audience. “Wait till I 8 please.” All the audience burst out laughing at his words. When the boss helped him and left the stage. Chaplin said. “The boss must have put 9 into his pockets, so I have to go to ask him.” And he did leave the stage for a while. The audience laughed themselves to tears at his performance.10 they welcomed little Chaplin wherever he went. This was how Charlie Chaplin began his career.

    A . Where B . why C . how
    A . doctor B . teacher C . singer
    A . something B . someone C . coin
    A . smiled B . shouted C . laughed
    A . caught up with B . held C . stood by
    A . as good B . as well C . so well
    A . for B . because C . that
    A . pick them up B . drink some water C . have a rest
    A . the stage B . the money C . the film
    A . Later B . After C . From then on