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        In my opinion, a (英雄) is a person who makes you full of strength and you like everything he did.

        Dennis Rodman is my hero. Once he was one of the most (著名的)basketball players in NBA.

        When he was a child, lots of (孩子) from rich families laughed at him at school because he was a black person. But Dennis was strong and (勇敢的). He liked (打) basketball and played it alone after school every day. When he grew up, he became taller and taller. Later, he went to (大学). He played basketball so (好) that he joined NBA in 1986 and started a wonderful life. He was good at grabbing the rebound (篮球板) and he got "the king of rebound" seven (次) from 1990 to 2000. In 1996, he (加入) Chicago Bulls and became the champion of NBA three times with Michael Jordan.

        He has said, "Victory belongs to a person who has preparation." It (鼓励) me to work hard every day. Although he behaves strangely sometimes, he is my hero forever.
