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  • 1. 阅读理解。

        Last year I was put into a lower­level math class at school. The reason I was in this class had nothing to do with my intellect (智力) or maths skills. I am blind.

    The only problem with being in this class was that I was surrounded by “at­risk” students. These were kids who did not do well in school and they were constantly in trouble with the school and the law.

        One Tuesday morning, I went to a Christian Student Union meeting before school. There was a guest speaker there that day talking to us about praying (祈祷) for our enemies. I began to think about this. As I considered the idea, I prayed and asked God how I could pray for the kids in my class. I had forgotten that they weren't bad kids; they were just lost.

        At first, the prayers were mechanical. When I would hear their voices in class, I would pray, “Dear God, please bless so­and­so...” But as I continued, I began to think of the kids more often, and in my quiet time at home I would ask God to bless (保佑) the rest of my classmates.

        As time went on, my classmates became more than just annoying kids to me. There was something growing inside my heart for them, something that wasn't there before. They began to feel like family, and I was learning to love them in a way I never thought possible.

        I now see that praying is such a powerful act. Prayer is the most powerful tool a Christian has. When I pray for those around me, it also blesses my life, and it changes my opinion of others. I realized I needed God's blessings to see the world through loving eyes. The prayers I said for others turned out to help me the most.

    1. (1) What's the main idea of the passage?
      A . Praying for your enemies. B . The experience of the writer. C . How to get along with the kids. D . How to solve the problem about the “at­risk” students.
    2. (2) What did the writer think about the kids at first?
      A . They were lovely and friendly. B . They were always asking for trouble. C . They were as blind as the writer. D . They were less reliable.
    3. (3) What made the writer change his opinion about the kids?
      A . The suggestion made by the teacher. B . The experience with the bad kids. C . The change with the time going by. D . The idea about praying learning from a Christian Student Union meeting.
    4. (4) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . The kids in the writer's class are bad. B . As time went on, the classmates became annoying. C . After praying, the writer changed his opinion of his classmates immediately. D . By praying for others, the writer learned a lot.