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  • 1. 仿照例句改写下面的句子

    例:If I were in your position,I would pay close attention.

    →Were I in your position,I would pay close attention.

    1. (1) If Jack were here at this moment,he would lend us his car.

    2. (2) If I had remembered their address,I would have sent them some cards.

    3. (3) If we were not waiting for a telephone call,we would go downtown.

    4. (4) If they had recognized her,they would have spoken to her.

    5. (5) If I had been intending to go shopping,I would have let you know.

    6. (6) If you had seen the movie,you would have liked it.

    7. (7) If it were not snowing,we would go out for a walk.

    8. (8) If it had been raining,we would have used our umbrellas.