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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        In a tiny room, Jenny was lying in bed waiting for an operation, nervous and worried. 1, another patient was squeezed in. After a gentle greeting, they 2the chatting. The 80-year-old newcomer was named Susan. Her son 3ran a company as CEO and her daughter worked on a TV station as director. Since her children were too 4to take care of Susan, she lived in an old people's home. Susan was proud of her children who had wonderful 5. Jenny really 6Susan. Compared with Susan, Jenny was 7but an ordinary country woman whose children were just ordinary workers.

        Soon, it was supper time, Jenny's daughter cooked 8dishes which were her favorite. Jenny invited Susan to share her supper, but she9.Susan was 10her daughter when she received a call. 11,her children couldn't come to visit her. Worse still, Susan had 12the mealtime in the hospital. She lay in bed, 13and silent. Jenny's daughter offered to buy her some food but she had no appetite  14.

        The next day, Jenny and Susan would go through a series of regular medical checks before the operation. Jenny's daughter 15to her carefully while Susan was still alone. Out of sympathy, Jenny's daughter offered to queue(排队) up, fill in different 16and register for Susan. For several days in hospital, even during her 17,Susan's children didn't show up. Susan really envied Jenny whose daughter looked after her all the time 18she recovered and moved out of hospital.

        Care from the loved ones when ill can really make one happy and encouraged, especially for a(n) 19parent. So while devoted to your career, don't forget your role in your 20.

    A . Respectably B . Unexpectedly C . Delightedly D . Patiently
    A . succeeded in B . turned into C . brought about D . participated in
    A . unnamedly B . successfully C . technically D . independently
    A . guilty B . rough C . unwilling D . busy
    A . improvements B . documents C . occupations D . conservations
    A . respected B . impressed C . envied D . aroused
    A . something B . nothing C . anything D . everything
    A . an amount of B . a great deal C . a great many D . a plenty of
    A . rejected B . paid C . misunderstood D . struggled
    A . disturbing B . praising C . expecting D . inviting
    A . Possibly B . Strangely C . Generally D . Unfortunately
    A . knew B . missed C . followed D . ignored
    A . disappointed B . anxious C . astonished D . nervous
    A . in fact B . at once C . at all D . in length
    A . obeyed B . examined C . attended D . protected
    A . forms B . gaps C . positions D . surveys
    A . checks B . recovery C . stay D . operation
    A . unless B . although C . until D . because
    A . ordinary B . loving C . careful D . aged
    A . family B . health C . friendship D . growth