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当前位置: 高中英语 / 特殊题型 / 补全对话
  • 1. 补全句子(根据汉语提示,完成句子,每空一词)

    1. (1) Since you like my shirt and I like yours, let's .


    2. (2) Every competitor should the following requirements.


    3. (3) I , but I gave it up two years ago.


    4. (4) twelfth grade, American students receive the high school diploma.


    5. (5) It was she who first me the pleasure of wine-tasting.


    6. (6) By a big tree by the river, the boy saved himself. (hold)


    7. (7) You mustn't enter the room unless .(allow)


    8. (8) I'll never tell you another secret if you .(let)


    9. (9) It is entirely appropriate that his music at this festival.(play)


    10. (10) She ring me tonight. (likely)
