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        Do you still remember your favorite poem from high school or some other important periods in your life?Why is it that decades later it still stands out in your mind?Probably the main reason is that some aspect of that poem resonates (引起共鸣) with you. In the same way, you too as a school leader can touch the hearts of your teachers and students.

        Poetry allows us to experience strong spiritual connections to things around us and to the past. The power that poetry has displayed over time and across cultures actually satisfies this common need of the human heart and soul.

        As one of the oldest art forms, poetry has successfully connected various parts of humanity (人性) from one generation to another. Referring to poetry, Hillyer makes a simple yet meaningful statement, “With this key mankind unlocked his heart.”

        School leaders can find and make use of the value of poetry for themselves, their students and their teachers. Beyond the simple use of poetry, techniques of poetry such as repetitions can be used to take advantage of the power of language to transform communication, create meaning and a culture of care and attention.

        Since schools are mainly about people and relationships, school leaders, like poets, are required to inspire and encourage the human heart. The use of poetry—or even of some techniques of poetry—in school leadership not only helps to improve communication, but also serves to meet the human need for inspiration.

    1. (1) Who is the passage mainly written for?
      A . Students. B . Teachers. C . School leaders. D . Poets.
    2. (2) What does the underlined part “this common need” in the second paragraph refer to?
      A . The need to read poetry. B . The need to be inspired. C . The need to learn about the past. D . The need to be connected with other people.
    3. (3) The use of poetry or techniques of poetry in school leadership is in fact to make use of ______.
      A . the power of language B . the power of school leaders C . people's preference for poetry D . people's desire for communication
    4. (4) What is the purpose of the passage?
      A . To talk about the art of being a school leader. B . To show readers that poetry is really powerful. C . To explain how poetry can be used in our daily life. D . To encourage using the power of poetry in school leadership.