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    1. (1) I (已失去对……的信任) that fellow; he is always telling lies. (faith)
    2. (2) Her opinions (相当狭隘而且守旧), so she can't keep up with the new things. (conventional)
    3. (3) Judging from the look on Joe's face, (显然) the news came as a complete shock. (evident)
    4. (4) She's a wonderful skater; (她的水平是一流的). (technique)
    5. (5) The government brought in (一项颇具争议的法令) under which it could take any land it wanted. (controversial)
    6. (6) (不是巧合) that my house had been broken into three times. (coincidence)
    7. (7) This anti-smoking campaign is mainly (针对) young people. (aim)