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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Last weekend I decided to treat myself to relaxation by reading a magazine. As usual, I looked through the front pages of 1women wearing designer clothes with ads promising it to be "Best of the Best". I read the ad. 2,  instead of offering advice on how to live well, the entire article 3expensive treatments that slow the effects of getting older while fooling others into thinking you stay young naturally. What? Is that even4?

        You may have already guessed—I seldom make up,5buy a few creams for my skin, and wear only one or two pieces of 6. Instead, given the choice I spend my money on travel, learning experiences, fun and a few causes I support. Fortunately, my husband Thom not only likes me this way, 7he's the same as well. 8comes naturally to us because we both prefer 9experiences.

     There was a TV show in the 1980's called Fernando's Hideaway. Regardless of whom the host Fernando was 10in the show, he would always say, "You 11marvelous(棒极了)!"And that was usually followed by, "As we all know, it's 12to look marvelous than feel marvelous. "I knew everyone used to laugh at that show because what made it so ridiculous was how it pointed out the obvious 13of grasping for outside appearances, 14real feelings.

        Some women out there might be telling themselves, "I 15possibly feel good if I don't look good. "Really? Your life is 16to feel good to you. We can control the way we feel by controlling our thoughts. Instead of 17outside circumstances to bring about responses in us and make us happy or not, we can put our time, attention and resources on 18can affect inside. No one else knows your reason for being happy. You do. Your happiness 19you to it. When you travel along your 20to joy, your conversation is of joy; your feelings are of joy—you're on the right way.

    A . casual B . special C . ordinary D . attractive
    A . Unfortunately B . Frequently C . Hopefully D . Fortunately
    A . focused on B . left out C . commented on D . made out
    A . necessary B . possible C . convenient D . essential
    A . never B . often C . usually D . just
    A . clothing B . jewelry C . decoration D . furniture
    A . and B . yet C . but D . although
    A . Happiness B . Tiredness C . Beauty D . Fortune
    A . common B . cultural C . traveling D . quality
    A . performing B . requiring C . interviewing D . working
    A . look B . sound C . smell D . feel
    A . worse B . better C . less D . funnier
    A . puzzle B . mistake C . idea D . progress
    A . more than B . less than C . rather than D . other than
    A . mustn't B . couldn't C . needn't D . daren't
    A . supposed B . permitted C . requested D . promised
    A . letting B . allowing C . recommending D . preventing
    A . which B . that C . what D . why
    A . guides B . sends C . misleads D . applies
    A . mind B . reason C . time D . path