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当前位置: 高中英语 / 特殊题型 / 单词拼写
  • 1. 单词拼写。


    1. (1) It is a(恐怖的) thing to see one person make another suffer.
    2. (2) The (裁判员) whistled and the game began.
    3. (3) His (寒酸的) appearance creates a bad impression.
    4. (4) She likes chocolate (饼干) with white cream filling.
    5. (5) His speech was long and (令人厌恶的).
    6. (6) We could hear the child (啜泣) in the other room.
    7. (7) She was paralysed from the (腰部) down.
    8. (8) We can (俯视) the church from our house.
    9. (9) The hotel has a (洗衣服) service.
    10. (10) Maybe we can (折中) on this.