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当前位置: 高中英语 / 特殊题型 / 单词拼写
  • 1. 结合语境,根据汉语提示用单词的适当形式填空。

    1. (1) This part of the community needs to be protected from (种族的) prejudice.
    2. (2) He's also planned a route to the south (地极) of Mars.
    3. (3) He reported on the whole event to the(副的) premier.
    4. (4) Go straight ahead and turn left at the second(十字路口).
    5. (5) In the past, California has had the highest rate of (移民).
    6. (6) Red Cross organizations on both sides of the Taiwan (海峡) have worked together for decades already.
    7. (7) My little(侄子) is very naughty.
    8. (8) Eventually a man from the tower arrived, and a little bus came to take us to the(飞机) .